MSPC Newsletter - Term 4 Week 10, 10th December 2021
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
We come to the end of 2021 a bit tired after a tough year in schools, across Australia and the world. As I look back I am grateful that we were able to hold many of our events such as Swimming, Athletics and Cross Country Carnivals, Year 10 and 12 Retreats, Year 7 Currumbin Challenge and the Year 8 camp. I am sure you can come up with more reasons to be grateful. It is important to recognise the good in our lives rather than bemoan what we’ve missed.
Here’s to 2022 having these events and more. It would be great to have more teams being able to represent the College in sporting events and more excursions to broaden our experiences. While we hope that 2022 will be back to normal, as 2021 shows us there can be no guarantees. I am confident that our community has the skills and resilience to handle anything that comes our way. I will communicate with you if there are restrictions before students are due back on February 1. The high number of people in the community with vaccinations are a big part of the reason we will be facing less restrictions over the holidays and I thank those people for assisting in keeping our community safe. I encourage everyone to follow the rules to ensure that we all can have a safe and happy holiday.
Our Year 12s graduated and had their formal on Friday night and it was great to be able to send them in style. They looked the part and they enjoyed themselves immensely. It was a huge job by many people across the College but I need to highlight Katherine Swift, Grace Molloy, Stephanie Carroll-Bennett and Lesa Swift for the crucial work they did to make it happen.
Year 12 being finished of course means the HSC examinations are over, which is a big sigh of relief for the students, staff and no doubt parents. I hope their goals will be realised as they move into the next phase of their lives. Thanks to our Leader of Curriculum Jo McDonald and all the teachers for their support of the students on their journey at the College.
As with every year there is a change in staff. I thank all staff for their contribution to the College and students. I would like to highlight the following staff you have made a considerable impact to the College over a long period of time. These people are what the culture of the College is built upon and we will endeavour to follow their example into the future.
I often say to students that Jesus’ message is a simple one, love one another. As I was out walking the old hymn “They’ll know we are Christians by our love” came to mind. Have a wonderful, well-deserved and Holy Christmas and share the love with each other.
Be the Good and God Bless,
Paul Reidy
Assistant Principal - Mission
Thanks to those who were able to sell their family’s allocated book of tickets in the annual Parish Raffle. I don’t know about you but I was unsuccessful in winning any of the prizes on offer. Maybe next year!
As I write this article I’ve just returned from my 5th year level assembly for today! Well done to all those students who have done their best this year, in and out of the classroom. Congratulations to those students who received Academic Excellence, Academic Merit, Exemplary Student and Special Awards at their Assembly. Reports for Year 7 – 11 students will be emailed home soon.
Best wishes to all members of the College community for a restful and enjoyable break over Christmas. May you spend quality time with the ones you love. I hope all our students keep safe and well and are kind to their parents and siblings. Try to attend a Christmas Mass or Carol Ceremony to acknowledge ‘the reason for the season’.
Mary-Anne McShane
Assistant Principal: Mission
YEAR 10-12 RETREATS 2022
The 2022 Year 12 Retreat will take place from Wednesday 16th February to Friday 18th February (Week 4, Term 1) and the Year 10 Retreat from Monday 16th March to Friday 18th March (Week 8, Term 1) at Camp Bornhoffen. This is an important opportunity for students to reflect upon their lives in a very busy year, especially their relationships with family, friends and God. A letter regarding details (eg cost $220.00) and more specific information will be given in the first week of next year.
The early notification of the Retreats is to enable families to plan and budget for these important occasions (they are part of School Fees), as the early part of the new College year is always expensive. As the Retreats are seen as integral to the philosophy and ethos of the College, the Retreat is compulsory and all students need to make sure that work or other commitments do not prevent them from attending. It is also an essential part of their holistic development. Parents are asked to ring the College if further clarification is needed.
Parent drivers are still needed to assist with this very worthwhile endeavour ……. delivering meals to those in our community who are unable to look after themselves.
All parents, especially Year 10 parents (2022), are invited to become a part of this by volunteering to drive from 11.00am till 12.30pm. Our College does MOW once every 5 weeks, and we need 4 drivers for that week. So, if we have 16 parent drivers, then your commitment would be one day (for 11/2 hours) every 20 weeks. Students would also be involved approximately once every 10 weeks. As per COVID requirements, parents would need to be fully vaccinated and have a volunteers Working with Children Check (no cost).
This is a simple yet effective way of giving visible witness to the message of Jesus: "Whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me" (Matt 25:40-41).
If any parents are able to help, please ring the College (66722340) and leave your name, phone number and preferred day(s). Thank you in anticipation of your help.
With the HSC Examinations over, on behalf of the Staff and Year 12 students of Mt St Patrick College, may I thank all those people (parents, students, staff, especially parishioners, staff and students of their former Primary schools) who prayed for our Year 12 students during their HSC Examinations. We appreciate your generosity in being a Prayer Sponsor for them and be assured that your prayers have made a difference.
Michael O’Donohue
Leader of Evangelisation
I would like to thank all of our wonderful students who have tried hard all year to meet the expectations of our College. It is the little things that help keep our standards high and we need to always work together on this aspect of school. Thanks also to all the parents and carers who have supported us this year. I hope that as we break up to enjoy the holiday season, we get to have a well-earned break and spend time with our loved ones.
I would like to thank Dean Bressan and Stewart Grant for their hard work this year as Leaders of Wellbeing as they are not continuing in the role next year. I would like to particularly thank Josh McCormack for his dedication to Lucan House over a number of years. Josh is moving to St Joseph’s College Banora Point in 2022. I look forward to seeing everyone safe, healthy and refreshed in 2022.
Christmas is often a time of mixed emotions and heightened expectations. Whilst the opportunity to come together with family and friends is usually welcomed (especially following a year like we’ve just had), it can also be a time of stress, conflict, loneliness, and disappointment. The pressures can lead to increased emotions and conflict over the holiday period.
Remember there is always support available to you, and we all need a little help sometimes! Following are a few numbers that might be useful.
Headspace-Tweed Heads- 55898700 Headspace Lismore- 66250200
Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds. Headspace can help young people with mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and other drug services, and work and study support. They have a range of information and resources available on their website, including web chat:
Parent line Call 1300 1300 52
Parent Line is a free telephone counselling and support service for parents and carers with children aged 0 to 18 who live in NSW. Trained, professional counsellors are available 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 4pm to 9pm on weekends.
Kids Helpline- 1800 55 1800
Kids Helpline is Australia’s free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25. Qualified counsellors at Kids Helpline are available via WebChat, phone or email anytime and for any reason.
Mental Health Line- 1800 011 511
If you or someone you know needs help, the Mental Health Line offers professional help and advice, and referrals to local mental health services. It is staffed by mental health professionals who will ask questions to determine if you or the person you are concerned about, needs ongoing mental health care and how urgently it is needed. They can put you in contact with the most relevant mental health service for children, teens, adults and older people.
The Mental Health Line is available to everyone in NSW and operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 1800 011 511.
If someone has attempted, or is at immediate risk of attempting to harm themselves or someone else, call Triple Zero (000) immediately. Or go to a hospital emergency department, where they may refer you to a mental health service.
This weeks wellbeing focus is Meaning & Purpose. The character strength is Bravery. Below is a resource that as parents, may help us.
Louise Shields
Leader of Student Welfare
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
As we finish the academic year I would like to congratulate all students who set realistic goals and worked towards achieving growth in their learning. Year 12 students were acknowledged last Friday night at the Formal for academic excellence and consistent effort in their studies. Academic Excellence is awarded to students who achieved first place in a subject. A special medallion, The Presentation Sisters Award, is presented to the top 10% of the cohort based on the aggregate of their assessment marks. Abbey Kuhnell was awarded the Nano Pathway Award for dedication to her chosen pathway. Congratulations to those students.
Many of the cohort have been awarded early entry into university courses based on their academic record and Principal recommendation. Three students: Miranda Quantrill, Georgia Hutton and Chloe Hillcoat have been presented with significant scholarships. Congratulations girls and good luck to everyone with your future studies.
The night was a great celebration of six years of dedication to growth in learning. The ATAR’s will be released on 20th January, 2022. The College is not notified of these ATARs so we ask students to please email myself or Miss Serone so that we can acknowledge your achievements. The HSC results will be released on 24th January 2022. We wish all Year 12 students the best in receiving the results. There will be a morning tea on the day of the results in the Upper Canteen Basement for Year 12 students to come in and celebrate 12 years of schooling.
Success in Year 12 is based on the building blocks that have been cemented in the earlier years at the College. Developing strong study and learning strategies is imperative. On Friday 10th December Year 7-11 students will be rewarded for their hard work with Academic Excellences and Merit Awards. I hope all students will strive to improve next year. The Semester 2 reports will be released this week and parents are asked to read through the reports with students to assist in evaluating the semester’s work and to set goals for next year, 2022.
I hope all students have a well earned rest after a difficult year and we all come back refreshed and keen to do our best together in 2022.
Narelle Sherrah
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching
Well, we are here at last. The 2021 HSC has been a marathon but it has finally finished. God Bless our Year 12s and accelerated Year 11 HSC students - they have been magnificent. They should be very proud of their efforts and the fine young men and women they have become. I know their parents, carers and friends could not be prouder. It was wonderful to see Year 12 finally relax and enjoy their graduation ceremony and formal last week. It was a fitting tribute. They have been wonderful role models for the College and we wish them every happiness and success for their future endeavours.
Our Year 11s are currently completing the final phase of their first term of HSC studies. We met on Monday to discuss the importance of reflecting on their approach to senior studies and their goals for 2022. We encourage our Year 11 students to be proactive and examine carefully the feedback their teachers have provided and seek advice on ways they can improve their learning. We discussed the importance of having high expectations, setting goals, being organised and staying focused. After enjoying Christmas and New Year, Year 11 should consider what they need to do to start 2022 in a positive manner. This entails being organised, having a planned study routine and factoring in ways to look after their wellbeing. Year 11 have been given a study and assessment planner to help them program their time efficiently. Their goal should be to work smarter with a focus on improvement. Students should now have carefully read the NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) 2022 Rules and procedures Guide. Important resources such as the NESA Guidelines, Assessment Calendars, Assessment Rules, Assessment Handbook, Illness and Misadventure Forms can be found on the MSPC Assessment Portal:
Term 4 has seen Years 7 to 10 busily working on their final units to consolidate their studies for the year. There is a sense of excitement in the air as students look forward to Christmas and a well deserved break. This Friday will culminate in assemblies acknowledging academic excellence and students will be presented with excellence, merit awards and exemplary student awards. The admirable recipients of these awards should inspire others to want to achieve their best and be the best version of themselves in all that they do. The end of the year is always an opportunity to reflect on the positives throughout the year and what areas of a student’s learning journey could be improved. This can provide an important focus for goal setting for 2022.
I wish all of our students and College community a safe and holy Christmas.
God bless.
Jo McDonald
Leader of Curriculum
Faculty News
Parents of students in Year 8 2021 if you are struggling for Christmas gift ideas or stocking fillers, here’s a thought. In Term 3 next year as part of the new integrated sport program, your son or daughter will be involved in a 4-week Hockey coaching clinic at the Tweed Border Hockey Associations fields. It is a mandatory requirement that participants wear both mouth guards and shin pads when playing. The school will be purchasing a number of shin pads to distribute weekly. Mouth guards will be available from the College prior to Term 3. Many private Health Care suppliers have the option of a free mouth guard each year. If your coverage does not extend to this, could you please think about purchasing one for your child prior to Term 3. All students will be reminded of this prior to the start of integrated sport.
While many of us look forward to relaxing summer holidays spent with family and friends at the beach or at summer barbeques, some enjoy the solititude of fielding fine leg to fine leg or silly mid-on for long hours in hot humid conditions. Nathan Pryke, from Yr 10, is one of these people and will spend his summer in Sydney playing for Manly Warringah in an attempt to further his Cricket career. An opportunity to impress many selectors and high level Cricket officials. We wish him every success.
Erin Lanyon is in Sydney this weekend to compete in the NSW All Schools' Athletics event which was postponed earlier in the year. Let's hope this is a sign of things to come and the sporting opportunities restart for all our students at the College.The NSW All Schools event is a three day Competition in Sydney. We wish Erin and her team of supporters all the very best.
News just in- Erin jumped a PB of 9.87m in triple jump to finish 5th in yesterday's event.
Tim Whitney
Sports Coordinator
After much testing and deliberation the Year 9 Accelerated Science classes have been chosen for 2022. The 50 students involved have received a letter of offer and a brief explanatory note which explains the acceleration process. In addition to this, a video has been placed on the College Moodle site detailing acceleration, as we were unable to host a meeting this year. Please watch the video which I hope makes the process clear. If you require more information, please contact me at the College.
Sherree O’ Brien
Leader Of Learning Science
Mt St Patrick College is pleased to announce that in Term 1 2022 we are starting a whole school sustainability initiative, beginning with a multi-sort bin system in the canteen basement. These bins are manufactured in Australia from 100% recycled plastics, reflecting our commitment to a circular economy. The lids feature differentiated apertures around which educational text and graphic symbols are printed. This bin system will be rolled our incrementally into different areas of the school playground throughout 2022.
While the cost saving and fundraising opportunities are clear, it is the benefits beyond this that have driven us to start this initiative. These include: significant litter reduction in the school, growth in the environment club, student growth and the multiple curriculum links.
We are also continuing to build support and opportunities for the Environment Group, as the group grows, engaging further with their local community to respond energetically to the climate change crisis.
More initiatives will be implemented throughout 2022, so WATCH THIS SPACE!!!
Jackie Tilsley
Earth and Environmental Science Teacher
College News
Many thanks to the students, families and teachers who supported the Christmas Appeal at MSPC this year. MSPC Vinnies ended up raising $1050 with both the Coin Line and Candy Cane/Gingerbread Man sales. With this cash, we purchased 50 x $20 Coles / Myer Gift Cards. Thank you to Coles Murwillumbah store for also donating an additional $50 voucher. All the Gift Cards were presented to Denise from the St Vinnies Conference, Murwillumbah last week. It is wonderful to think that these vouchers will assist local families in our community.
Add to the $1050 another donation of $300 from the Year 9 and Year 10 Ministry classes. Thank you to Mrs Finkel and Mrs Van Den Driest and all of the students of the two classes. Mrs Finkel will spend this money on gift cards at local businesses. This means that our total amount for the 2021 Christmas Appeal is in fact $1350. Congratulations MSPC!
Finally, a huge shout out to the MSPC students who are a part of this Vinnies group. They attend meetings each term, correspond and communicate to each other (and with me) via our Google Classroom, never complain about all of the jobs that need to be completed for these fund-raising events to occur. This is a commitment that they volunteer to do each term. They spend many of their lunchtimes promoting this worthy cause, fundraise, design and stick up posters around the school, attend to the stalls that we run, collect money, cook and deliver items. They look out for each other also, which is wonderful to see. When exams are on, other students within the group will step up and lead the activities.
I am excited to see what we can achieve next year as we have a strong group of Year 10 students, who will be inducted as our Senior Vinnies Leaders in 2022. Equally as exciting are the juniors (some in Year 7 and others who joined Vinnies in Year 7) who have worked tirelessly this year. It has been an absolute pleasure working with such compassionate and selfless students. Go MSPC Vinnies!!!
Wishing all students and their families a very Merry Christmas and a safe and relaxing holiday season.
Susan Waters
PDHPE/RE Teacher
Santa visted the students during DEAR on Thursday
Year 7: Giselle Boot, Ayala East, Willa Hoffmann, Dougall Hughes, Jackson Arthur, Elijah Keyes, Tobias Neilson, Tara O'Donnell
Year 8: Patrick Corby
Year 11: Hamish Forsyth, Charley Vrbanic
Year 7: Giselle Boot, Ayla East
Year 7: Bryan Cunial, Elissa Hawkins, Darcy Irby
Year 8: Ella Ewing, Leon Morgan, Payten Nash, Ari Sampson-Jones, Delilah Teague, Kathryn Warren
Year 9: Monique McDougall, Gabrielle Stella
Year 10: Isobel Gresham, Elizabeth Warne
Year 11: Anna Dubois, Sullivan Foster
Year 7: Darcy Irby
Year 8: Leon Morgan
Year 10: Elizabeth Warne
Year 11: Sullivan Foster
Year 10: Elizabeth Warne
Year 11: Sullivan Foster
Year 7: Milla Hartwig-Costello, Isaac Heath, Brody Johnson, Grace Johnston
Year 8: Jesse Barrett, Freda Biles, Ewan Bourne, Billi Hutton, Matilda Leeson
Year 10: Mahalia Ashforth
Year 11: Michael Todd
Year 7: Brody Johnson, Grace Johnston
Year 8: Matilda Leeson
Year 11: Michael Todd
Year 11: Michael Todd
Year 7: Erin Lanyon, Renten Sasse
Year 8: Isabelle Biersteker, Isiah Doevendans, Brodie Ferguson,Uriah Gilson, Zarli Hughes-Davies, Ava Parsons, Benjamin Wilson (2)
Year 9: Maxwell Crawford, Kiah McCarthy (2)
Year 10: Katie Macdonald, Rhiannon Nolan-Stiens, Bailee Pedlow, Punwatsa Phattharapraphakorn
Year 11: Hudson Bosnich,
Year 9: Kiah McCarthy
Year 10: Rhiannon Nolan-Stiens, Punwatsa Phattharapraphakorn