MSPC Newsletter - Term 2 Week 2, 4th May 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Principal’s Review
As part of the Catholic Schools’ Office usual procedures, principals undergo appraisal during their contracts. My review will be occurring this term and input will be sought from parents, parish, students and staff. Please read the letter that follows my principal’s report from the chair Mr Michael Mullaly, for further information.
Dobbing or snitching
As part of investigations into incidents students will often not want to snitch or dob on other students. The main reason is fear of retribution by students. I want to address it with parents so that you could speak to your child about this, as it is something that we are hearing more than ever.
I am a strong believer that keeping quiet about things that are occurring that are wrong or unjust, is itself wrong and unjust. I would hope that the Mount St Patrick College community would be one that stands up against people being treated unjustly. The only person that is protected by silence is the person doing the wrong thing. If I am being bullied and I keep quiet, I will keep being bullied, therefore I am not saving myself from being treated poorly.
In some cases students change schools to avoid poor behaviour without identifying who is causing their discomfort. This allows the bully to move onto the next person. As I said, we want to be a community that stands up to injustice. It is a virtue that Jesus displayed and we are called to follow.
Often information comes digitally, screenshots, video footage, etc. And yet even when students have not snitched, other students often blame someone for snitching on them. It is a failure of those students to address their own behaviour and own their actions. Because, who has done the wrong thing?
When we move into the adult world, do we want our communities to be made of people who look the other way or be people who speak up? I do not want us to take matters into our own hands and be vigilantes and put themselves at risk. You speak to the appropriate people. At the College it is teachers, in the outside world it may be police or other relevant authorities depending on what is witnessed.
I would never say that there is no bullying or poor behaviour at any school, but I would say that if we are aware of it, we will address it.
Be the Good and God Bless,
Paul Reidy
Assistant Principal - Mission
Anzac Day March Murwillumbah 2023
73 College students, and a number of staff, marched in the Murwillumbah Parade. Without complaint they all braved the changing weather conditions during the morning. The re-formed College Drumline made up of Year 9 and 10 Music students was impressive and a great credit to Mrs Kaitlyn Rennes-Nadal, Mr Mikey Minh and Mr Brad Patterson.
225 Regional Cadet Unit: Pat Kelly Quiet Achiever Award – Alexia Adams (Year 10)
College student Lance Corporal Alexia Adams received this award during the Murwillumbah Commemoration Service. Congratulations Alexia! A number of our students are members of the 225 Cadet unit and yet others marched as part of the Venturers (older members of the Scouting movement).
‘Tell Them from Me Survey’ opens
All schools in the Diocese have been provided with a well-developed survey tool to get a ‘snapshot’ of how our students, staff and parents are feeling about the College. Mr Reidy has already informed parents about the Survey and the fact that all responses are de-identified to protect individual’s privacy and that parents can withdraw their student/s from completing the Survey.
We opened the Survey Window today and it will close at 4.30pm AEST on Friday 12th May. Most students and staff completed their surveys today but there will be catch-up time tomorrow Friday 5th May. Parents are asked to take approximately 20 mins to complete the survey by Friday 12th May using the following link:
On Wednesday 15th May Mr Reidy will receive a report/analysis of the aggregated student, staff and parent data. Thank you, in advance, for your time in completing the ‘Tell Them From Me’ parent survey.
College Musical: ‘Back to the 80s’
Last night, Wednesday 3rd May, was opening night. It was absolutely fabulous! There may still be some tickets for Friday night 5th May but the final show is already ‘Sold Out’.
Mother’s Day Breakfast
All mothers and grandmothers of the College community are invited to a special breakfast from 7am on Friday 12th May at the Gilbey Hall. There is an RSVP Form in this Newsletter which needs to be completed by tomorrow Friday 5th May, if you have not already indicated that you will be attending and made your ‘food order’. Loreto House and the TAS Faculty look forward to seeing you there.
College Students Arriving Late or Going Early for Appointments
We have a number of simple procedures in place to keep students safe and know where they are at all times. Any student who arrives late or needs to leave the College Grounds early needs to have a signed note or email from a parent and, in the case of early leaving, they need to present this note to their LOW during morning Admin. If the student is in Years 7 – 10 a parent needs to pick them up from the Front Office. If they are in Year 11 or 12 the student is able to make their way to their appointment by walking or driving, if the parent has given permission for this to occur.
If there is no note or prior notice to the office about arriving late or leaving early, it can take quite an amount of time to locate a student since they may be offsite at Sport, on the ovals doing practical PDHPE or anywhere on the playground during a break time.
Mary-Anne McShane
Assistant Principal: Mission
Welcome back to term 2. There are lots of exciting ministry events happening this term.
Minyma Retreat
Last Friday, 28th April, Mrs Angela Finkel accompanied her Year 10 Youth Ministry class to run a retreat day for the students at St Joseph’s Primary School, South Murwillumbah. The Year 10 students did an outstanding job running small groups, playing games and spending the day with the primary students. The students absolutely loved having our College students there! The Year 10 students showed enthusiasm, kindness and gentleness towards the St Joseph’s students, parents and staff and were excellent examples of being witnesses to God’s work. This was a wonderful opportunity for our parish schools to come together as a community. Thank you to Mr Jason Clarke and Mrs Vanessa Hughes and all the staff at St Joseph’s Primary School for allowing our MSPC students to participate in the day.
Street Retreat
This term, an opportunity is available for Year 11 students to participate in an event called Street Retreat. In 2023, six Year 11 students from our school will join students from each of the other parish secondary schools in the lismore Diocese attending the Street Retreat experience in Brisbane. This experience will form, equip and empower students to return to their parish communities with a passion for social justice and greater sense of the call of Jesus Christ to serve the poor. Participants in the Street Retreat will spend from Thursday night 22nd June to Sunday lunch 25th June working in a range of social justice initiatives in Brisbane. Their participation may make a
small contribution to those being served – but the event is first and foremost an exercise in discipleship formation. Participants will find the activities on the Street Retreat challenging and possibly confronting. Many
activities run either very late at night or very early in the morning. The retreat will culminate in a
celebration of Sunday Eucharist.
A large number of MSPC have already expressed an interest in this event. We can, however, only offer six (6) places. Any student who would like to be considered is asked to write a brief statement supporting their nomination on the information sheets provided by Miss Grace Molloy, and available at the front office. Attention should be given to the stated selection criteria. Nominations should be handed to Miss Grace Molloy, or the Ministry Assistants Halle McClymont or Eliza Blunn no later than Friday 19th May.
Successful applicants will be asked to make a contribution of $50.00 towards the cost of this experience payable to the school office, as well as provide $5.00 to be donated to a worthy cause and collected on Thursday evening at Street Retreat.
The Shine Event is running again this year from the 24th-25th August at St John Paul College, Coff Harbour. This is just some advanced notice for Year 9 and 10 Youth Ministry Class students and parents about the event. SHINE unites Youth Ministry (CSYMA) students in Catholic secondary schools of the Diocese of Lismore. The Youth Ministry program is offered to Year 9 and 10 students, allowing those with a willingness to nurture their faith an opportunity for Christian fellowship and spiritual formation. With a continued focus on peer-to-peer ministry, the two-day SHINE event combines elements of praise and worship, inspiring keynote speakers, student testimonies, small group discussions, interactive workshops, prayer, Eucharistic Adoration and Mass. Senior Ministry Team members are invited to apply for roles as small group leaders, testimony givers and workshop facilitators. SHINE is a compulsory event for our Year 9 and 10 Youth Ministry classes to attend. Youth Ministry students from MSPC will be added to a Compass event where parents will need to pay and give consent for their student to attend. The cost is $50. Students will be travelling by bus to and from the event. More information to come. Any Year 11 or 12 Senior Ministry Leaders wishing to attend need to contact Miss Molloy or the Ministry Assistants, Halle or Eliza. Ideally these senior students would have attended LEAD either this year or last year, but this is not compulsory. More information to come.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Term 2.
God Bless,
Grace Molloy
Leader of Evangelisation
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
Welcome back to Learning and Teaching in Term 2. This term is focused on the students demonstrating their learning in summative assessments. The Assessment Portal details each assessment for the students.
Students are encouraged to familiarise themselves with assessment tasks early and slowly prepare for the tasks to prevent cramming. Our academic success at Mt St Patrick College can be attributed to students gradually developing study skills and examination technique.
Parents are asked to be aware of assessment rules and procedures to assist their children navigate the assessment periods.
I had the pleasure of watching the College Musical last night and was amazed at the quality of the performance. The students have dedicated vast amounts of time to preparing for the show. We are aware that students have missed lessons and all teachers will endeavour to help the students catch up.
Year 12
Reports are currently being prepared by staff to give descriptive feedback to the students. Year 12 should reflect on how they are going and set goals to ensure improvement. An opportunity is provided for parents and students to meet with the subject teachers to discuss student progress in Week 5. We encourage all Year 12 students and parents to attend these meetings so that the partnership between the school and the home is reinforced for the benefit of the students.
Year 10
Term 2 is an important term for Year 10 as they prepare for the next phase of their education. After their assessment block students will be led through the process of choosing a career pathway and deciding on subjects for 2024. The Parent Information Night is scheduled for 31st May. Details of the process will be outlined for parents and students at this meeting. The students are guided through the process to ensure they make good decisions.
I hope the students enjoy the term and set goals and work toward growth in learning.
Narelle Sherrah
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching
Term 2 is well underway and students are busy engaging with their studies. Students are encouraged to be proactive with their learning and if they are unsure of content or expectations, they should discuss this with their teacher to seek clarification. Students should now have completed a home study planner and ensure they are doing their homework on a daily basis. Home study planners are available on the year page of the Assessment Portal.
The start of term is always an important time for reminders. Students are encouraged to be organised and use their study planner to record their homework, assessments and home study. Assignment submission dates should also be recorded in the planner.
Planning ahead for Term 2, students can access all information regarding their assessments via the Assessment Portal which is found on the MSPC Moodle Site. Students need to use their school log in to access this.
Year 12 students and Year 11 Accelerated students have been advised that the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) has published the 2023 HSC Timetable and this is available on their website, along with information for practical and performance subjects and language oral examinations. Students can find important information and web links on the year page of the MSPC Assessment Portal.
PLEASE NOTE: The following is an assessment overview for Weeks 3 and 4 of Term 2. Students should check their assessment calendar on the portal for accuracy and to ensure that changes have not been made since publishing this guide.
Upcoming assessment blocks are as follows:
Year 8: Week 5 22/05/23 - 26/05/23
Year 9: Week 6 29/05/23 - 02/06/23
Year 10: Week 5 22/05/23 - 26/05/23
Year 11: Week 8 13/06/23 - 16/06/23
Year 12: Week 7 05/06/23 - 09/06/23
The Assessment Policy is detailed on the front page of the Assessment Portal which can be accessed on the MSPC Moodle Page:
If a student is sick and unable to complete an assessment on the due date, Years 7, 8 and 9 require a letter from a parent / carer detailing the student’s circumstances for non-completion of an assessment task. For Years 10, 11 and 12 a medical practitioner is required to complete the MSPC Assessment Variation Illness Form. A copy of this document can be found on the student’s year page of the Assessment Portal.
A copy of the Assessment Rules is included below for your information.
Jo McDonald
Leader of Curriculum
Faculty News
We hope you enjoyed reading Rosaria-Stewart Walker’s Runner Up entry in the last Newsletter. This week, please enjoy reading the other runner up entry by Sophie Buckley (Year 8) below:
Turia Pitt
Marathon. Run. Bush. Fire.
Everyone has a thing. Mine, a marathon.
I love running, so I compete.
2/9 2011. Ultramarathon. Bring it on.
Bush all around. Heat. Sweat.
Running hard not quite there yet.
Trees, dying leaves, heat.
I hurt.
Suddenly, trees were up in flames.
A wildfire. No one was around.
The flames are feisty, leaping off of the ground.
Marathon. Run. Fire. Burn.
I went down. My skin melting.
Thoughts of family rushed through my head.
Too hot, too much, I could not handle.
The flames grew more angry unlike a candle.
The last word before I came down, help is what I had screamed.
No answer, except for the pain that still leaked.
Run. Fire. Burn. Down.
Pain.Everywhere. Awake I have come, doctors around.
Where is my family, for all I care! My skin, it was hot to the touch.
My body, was peeling as such.
Fire. Hurt. Remembrance.
Even though the rest of my body hurt.
It hurt more to think about what I had just experienced.
I felt for my hair, nothing but dirt.
Fire. Hurt. Fear.
I was scared. I wanted to cry. I have to stay brave.
I could have died. My thoughts had overtaken my head.
All bad, nothing good left.
Today I am proud. I am not ashamed. I still tell my story.
I tell it loud. I am a woman. I am strong. I am a warrior.
I am Turia Pitt.
Katie Pinkstone
Leader or Learning: English
As the school year progresses, it is important to start thinking about what subjects you want to take for your HSC. One subject that we highly recommend is Legal Studies.
Legal Studies is a fascinating subject that provides students with an understanding of the law and its role in society. Through this subject, students will develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and an appreciation for the importance of justice and fairness.
The HSC Legal Studies course covers a wide range of topics, including criminal law, human rights, family law, and the legal system itself. Students will learn about the Australian legal system, the role of judges and juries, and the various legal institutions that make up our legal system.
Legal Studies is a subject that is relevant to everyone, regardless of their future career aspirations. It provides valuable skills and knowledge that can be applied to a wide range of professions, including law, politics, social work, journalism, and many more.
Additionally, Legal Studies is a subject that can open up many opportunities for further study. Students who study Legal Studies at HSC level may choose to pursue a career in law, and this subject can provide a strong foundation for further legal studies at university.
At Mount St Patrick College, we have experienced and dedicated teachers who are passionate about Legal Studies and are committed to helping students achieve their full potential. We offer a range of resources and support to help students succeed in this subject. If you have any questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to contact Mr Acret, Miss Boxshall or Ms Blazek.
Aimee Blazek
Leader or Learning: HSIE
Student Work Experience Programs
In Week 10 of last term, I travelled to Sydney to do a week of work experience at Taronga Zoo. This was an amazing opportunity that piqued my interest when I saw it in the careers newsletter as I am hoping to study a degree in wildlife conservation. Working in the Australian mammals division, I got to spend time and work with many unique native animals, many of which are in critically vulnerable or endangered states which reinforced to me just how crucial wildlife conservation is. Throughout the week, I got to spend one on one time with experienced zookeepers who shared their expert knowledge about the many different species as well as the responsibilities that they undertake each day to care for them. The tireless efforts that Taronga puts into conservation are inspiring, with so many individuals working in different fields across the zoo including veterinary science, zookeeping and research, to name a few. Highlights of the week included seeing the opening of the new Australian mammal exhibit - Nura Diya, feeding the tree kangaroos and working with the koalas. Overall, I had the best time and met some amazing people and animals. It was an invaluable experience and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to attend.
Year 12 student: Rosie Davis
In the holidays I attended the USYD Regional Residential Program that was advertised by Mrs Serone (Careers Coordinator) and it was definitely an experience that exceeded my expectations. I created unforgettable memories with my friends, new friendships, and a clearer direction in life post-graduation. The student ambassadors were great at guiding and answering any questions about the campus, they provided genuine and down-to-earth discussions about university life in general and really gave an insight into what your day-to-day life can look like. The program paid for all fees, including flights, accommodation and insanely good food. They set up fun activities and offered more than enough guidance with admission schemes/pathways for universities, especially in USYD. For me, they demystified the financial concerns I had that contributed towards attending university and explained that there are many other ways to gain financial support. The program was an exciting way to gain more knowledge and explore my options after school, I would definitely recommend it to students who are unsure of what to do after Year 12.
Year 12 Student: Angel De Los Angeles
Keeley Serone
Careers Coordinator
Erin Lanyon of Year 9, was selected to represent Queensland at the Australian Junior Athletics Championships, at the Australian Little Athletics Championships in Melbourne over the last weekend of the school holidays. She jumped 10.39m, just shy of her PB and came 7th.
It was a much colder experience than the State championships Erin and her teammates
from Tweed Little A’s attended in Townsville last month but well worth the trip.
Congratulations also, to Chloe Martin, who also competed in the athletics championships and missed a 400m hurdle final by .63s to finish 10th in Australia.
Under 16's
The U16 Rugby League Squad made their way to Casino on Friday 28th of April for the NRCC Rugby League Gala day. The 11 students from MSPC would play 3 teams from the region; St John’s College Woodlawn, Trinity Catholic College Lismore and McAuley Catholic College Grafton.
The teams first match was their toughest challenge of the day, coming up against a strong Woodlawn side. The lads from MSPC made a solid start thanks to some strong carries from Jed Ryan and Jed McDonald. However, Woodlawn’s fitness and skill were too much for the team to keep up with. Woodlawn scored four classy tries in the final 15 mins to earn a comfortable win.
Next up was Trinity Catholic College Lismore. After a slow start to the match both teams kicked into gear with a try each. Errors were the team's achilles heel in this match. With errors returning the ball from a kick in general play and a kick-off leading to Trinity tries to go up 3-1 with 10 mins to go. After some classy play out of dummy-half by Lachie May and some strong running by Archie Fairbairn-Gray and Cooper McKnight the team was able to score another try to make it 3-2 with roughly 1 minute left. Unfortunately, time ran out before the team could make one final play for a 3-3 draw.
McAuley Catholic College Grafton were the final opponents for the day. Unfortunately for McAuley College the MSPC players left their best game to last with a 5-2 win. The team played exceptionally well and all players stood up after a long day of Rugby League. Harry Daley led from the front and Dallas Browning organised the team well during the game. Riley Monaghan was strong in defence and Noah Scullion was able to cross for his first Rugby League try.
Overall the team showed great character to play with only 11 players and no reserves for the entire day. Safe to say they were knackered by the end of the day. Hopefully with some regular game time the team will be able to continue developing into a strong side. Well done to all the players involved - Cooper McKnight, Sid Longhurst, Noah Scillion, Dallas Browning, Cale Graham, Jed McDonald, Lachie May, Jed Ryan, Archie Fairbairn-Gray, Riley Monaghan and Harry Daley.
Samuel Priddis (Coach)
Under 14's
Hello sports fans! This is your sports reporter bringing you the latest news from the Mt St Patrick College under 14's Rugby League side.
The team recently participated in a tournament held in the “beef capital of Casino. Over the course of the day, the boys played three tough games and emerged victorious in each one. Their resilience and determination were evident throughout each match, and they demonstrated exceptional skill and teamwork.
However, in the Final, the team faced a formidable opponent in St Joseph's College, Banora. Both teams fought tooth and nail, with neither side able to score more than two points. Unfortunately, St Joseph's managed to score a try before our team could, resulting in a heartbreaking 2-all draw and a loss in the final.
Despite this disappointment, I am incredibly proud of how hard all the boys played. Their performance throughout the tournament was nothing short of outstanding, and they should be commended for their exceptional teamwork and dedication to the sport.
So, although we may not have come away with the championship trophy, the team's spirit and sportsmanship were truly inspiring. Congratulations to all the boys for a fantastic tournament, and I look forward to seeing them continue to grow and excel in the future.
Brendan Campbell (Coach)
Under 14's
The Mt St Patrick College under 14 girls travelled to Casino last Friday to compete in the NRCC Volleyball Gala Day. It was an early start for our girls but despite the tiredness their spirits were high as the senior girls taught them the College war cry to scream before their games.
Their first game was against St Mary’s Catholic College Casino and they won by a landslide with a score of 38 to 25. There were some crazy serves but they all remained happy and smiling all day. The second game was a close one with our girls losing by 4 points to Trinity's second team. Between their games the girls went to watch our under 16s play and showed great College spirit and support for our seniors.
The girls were a little deflated as they only got to play two games so we had a last minute game against St Joseph's College Banora , the girls started off strong leading them in an early start on the scoreboard, Unfortunately St Josephs are a strong team and we ultimately lost by 7 to them.
Our Under 14 ‘s volleyball team placed 2nd in their pool. They were a very strong team despite the fact that they only had 7 on their team.
The players were: Myla Naylor , Ephaedra Jennings-McKay, Ella McTaggart, Stella Lindsay, Lily Seaton, Cleo Harper-Green, Anabelle Yates. These girls represented the college very well and showed great team spirit.
Emma Loughman (Coach)
Under 16's
The Mt St Patrick girls Volleyball team travelled to Casino on Friday 28th April, leaving the College at 6am. Despite the early start, the girls were excited and ready for their games.
Their first game was against Xavier Catholic College Skennars Head, and it was a close match. Unfortunately, the Mt St Patrick girls were narrowly defeated. However, the team did not let the loss affect their spirits, and they quickly focused on their next game.
Match 2 was against St Mary's Casino Team A, and the Mt St Patrick girls put up a strong fight. Although they were defeated, they displayed great sportsmanship and showed brilliant teamwork. They encouraged each other and never gave up.
In their final game of the day, the Mt St Patrick girls played against Trinity Catholic College, and the game ended in a draw. The team was thrilled with the result and proud of their performance.
Throughout the day, the Mt St Patrick girls showed great enthusiasm and a positive attitude. They were supportive of each other, and their teamwork was impressive. They cheered each other on and never lost their energy, despite the early start and long day.
The girls had a lot of fun on the day, and their love for the sport was evident. They represented their school with pride and showed great sportsmanship throughout the matches.
Overall, it was a great day for the Mt St Patrick girls Volleyball Team. They may not have won all their matches, but they showed great team spirit and never gave up. It was a testament to their hard work and dedication to the sport. Congratulations to the team for a job well done!
Simone Kendrick (Coach)
Q Schools Cup Juniors
On Wednesday 3rd May, twenty-two Year 7,8 & 9 boys departed the College at 7am and travelled to the Cavanbah Centre in Byron Bay to participate in the 2023 AFL Schools Cup.
In our first game we lost to Xavier College, Skennars Head 31 to 13 (Xavier were narrowly beaten in the Grand Final later in the day). Our second game looked to be an even tougher challenge against Lindisfarne Anglican School. Although Lindisfarne kicked three quick goals in the first half, our boys steadied to break even in the second, going down narrowly to the eventual winners of the competition. This newfound confidence helped the young MSPC team register a commanding win against Kingscliff High School 27 to 8 in our last game of the day.
As expected, our MSPC boys gave their all, while displaying good sportsmanship at all times and were great ambassadors for the College.
Rick Van Den Driest (Coach)
The girls Under 15 Aussie rules team recently competed in a series of games in Byron Bay, showcasing their impressive skills and determination on the field. The team played a total of three games, each one packed with excitement and intensity.
In their first game, the girls' team faced off against a tough opponent, but they managed to secure a close victory with a score of 19-13 . The team's ability to work together and communicate effectively was on full display, allowing them to come out on top.
The second game saw the girls team facing a formidable opponent, and despite their best efforts, they were unable to secure the win. Despite the loss, the team maintained a positive attitude and remained committed to working hard in future games.
In their final game, the girls team put up a fierce fight against their opponents, unfortunately our girls lost to St Joseph’s, Banora. Overall, the girls Under 15 Aussie rules team's performance in Byron Bay was a testament to their skills and commitment to the sport. With their impressive teamwork and unwavering determination, there's no doubt that they will continue to excel in future games and tournaments. Fans and supporters of the team can't wait to see what they'll achieve next on the field.
Emma McHugh (Coach)
Term 2 significant dates to lock into your sporting calendar
Frid 5th May - Senior Q Schools Cup Aussie Rules - Byron Bay
Tues 9th May - NRCC Hockey (7-10) - Lismore
Katrina Fanning Cup Girls contact league - Ballina
Mon 15th - Wednesday 17th May - NSWCCC Hockey Championships - Bathurst
Frid 19th May - Diocesan Cross Country - Grafton
Wed 24th May - U14 Cochrane Cup Rugby League
Tim Whitney
Sports Coordinator
College News
"Chilled Teens"- Information Evening for Parents
Mount St Patrick College would like to welcome all parents and carers to an education session on helping your adolescent manage stress and anxiety. The session will be hosted by College Consellor Jessica Godfrey (Clinical Psychologist) on Monday 15th may from 6-7:30pm in the College Learning Hub (Library). For more information or to RSVP your attendance, please contact jessica via email-
Community News
Year 8 Mount St Patrick College students from band ‘The MARC’ win Battle of the Bands
From the green Talent Quest stages of St Ambrose Primary School to 2023 Winners of Murwillumbah Youth Festival Battle of the Bands, these Year 8 students from Mount St Patrick College are well and truly making some noise for their band ‘The MARC’!
Miki Gronholt on drums, Abe Kirk on guitar, Reuben Levings on bass and front woman, singer extraordinaire, Chelsea Kill, The MARC really are making their mark!
Starting from humble beginnings as Year 4 students, this now 13yo punk rock band has continued to develop in force and fame. Teaming with band teacher sensation Benny Whiskey, from Yodelay Music, has meant covers have been replaced with more and more originals, as well as regular appearances on the Eddie’s Grub House stage, honing their craft one gig at a time.
So, it was time to see if The MARC was ready to take centre stage, entering the prestigious inaugural 2023 Murwillumbah Youth Festival Battle of the Bands. The promise of prize money and studio recording time was alluring, but the real gold, to be rocking out on the big stage, alongside other amazing local teenage talent.
The votes were in, and an epic drum roll sounded out the nervous wait. ‘The MARC - winners of the 2023 Battle of the Bands!’
Keep your eyes open rockers as The MARC work to climb the charts and continue to assault your ear drums with their bussin’ punk rock sound. Check them out at @themarc_music
Da Manager
Music runs in the family for the Kirk Family. Abe’s older brother Arlo (Year 10) has also experienced great success recently with his band “Da Manager” winning the Blues & Roots Busking Competition to be offered a spot on the line up playing on the Juke Joint stage at Blues Fest on Easter Monday. Their outstanding performance resulted in event organisers booking the band to play at Blues Fest next year as one of the paid acts on the bill.
Photos below: The band performing in the Finals at Byron Beach Hotel where they were announced the winners.
Hanging out with Jon Stevens (Noiseworks, INXS) backstage at the Blues Fest.
Performing on the Juke Joint Stage at Blues Fest. Check them out @da_manager_