MSPC Newsletter - Term 1, Week 9, 25th March 2024.
At the most recent assembly I spoke about International Women's Day and the significant role women play in the lives of our immediate family, Mount St Patrick, and the wider world community.
Firstly, I've spoken of how important our mothers are in our own growth and development and, significantly, how important my own mother was, and how she raised five kids in very modest circumstances and gave us all an amazing upbringing.
Next, I spoke about the amazing women that helped form this school, going right back to Nano Nagle. I focused on her inspirational role in rebelling against the political systems at the time in Ireland, where Catholic education was outlawed, and when she stood up to provide Catholic education for primary and secondary students. She did this even when there was a risk of significant penalties, even jail. Her sacrifice was further echoed in the roles of the Presentation Sisters when they embarked on a journey from Ireland. They left their families behind, usually not to see them again, and off they went to live in the harsh climes of Australia.
How amazing and inspirational those women were to make that sacrifice and then to endure the hardships of remote places within Australia. They set up schools, both primary and secondary, to educate the poor Catholic families at the time. Mount St Patrick College is one of the beneficiaries of this sacrifice, when in 1926 the Presentation Sisters founded this school. The amazing leadership from women has continued all the way through to this current day.
I mentioned the wider role of schools: our school leadership team, that is made up of all women other than myself; the amazing Ms. McShane and Mrs. Sherrah, who live and breathe this school community and are amazing beacons for this wider community; and the students within it. All of our female staff, teachers and ancillary are amazing examples of this legacy.
Finally, I reminded students of the need to respect and admire the contribution of our staff, in particular our female staff. We should do everything we can to ensure our staff feel safe and respected in their workplace; allowing them to engage in their day-to-day work with a sense of pride, as the remarkable women amongst us now and in honour of those who went before them.
Gavin Dykes
Assistant Principal - Mission
Romero and Nagle Parish Mass Sunday 17th March (St Patrick’s Day)
Many families attended a very busy 9am Parish Mass on Sunday 17th March (the real St Patrick’s Day) which included the baptism of an infant; acknowledgement of primary students preparing for their First Reconciliation and presentations by MSPC Romero (purple) and Nagle (gold) Houses.
Following mass there was plenty of purple, gold and green on show in the Learning Hub (Parish Hall) where everyone enjoyed green donuts, cupcakes and lots of other delicious non-green items for morning tea. Thanks to all those students, staff and parents who attended the mass and those provided the morning tea.
MSPC St Patrick’s Day Celebrations Wednesday 20th March
Wednesday 20th March was a great day for the Irish. We had 9.30am Mass, celebrated by Fr Peter Wood, followed by some St Patrick’s Day traditions: inducting students to the Wall of Excellence, adding staff names to the 20-year Staff Commitment Honour Board, as-well-as some Irish dancing.
Alexander and Tim Wellm were inducted into the Wall of Excellence for their prowess in swimming in 2022 and 2023, respectively.
Mr Tim Whitney was named on the Staff Commitment Honour Board in Presentation House for 20 years of service.
At lunch there were men and women’s staff versus students’ cricket matches organized by Mr Nix, and Mr Bunney’s BBQ and drinks stall which raised funds for materials for use during the Solomon Islands Immersion in August this year. Thanks to parents for providing students with the cash to purchase their BBQ lunch and drinks.
Project Compassion
Thanks also to parents for providing your students with money to donate to Caritas during Lent. The Projection Compassion boxes were overflowing following the gold coin donation for wearing green mufti clothes on Wednesday 20th March. The sale of ‘lime spiders’ at lunchtime was also well-supported and added $400 to our Project Compassion total.
Holy Week
Yesterday was Palm Sunday which begins Holy Week in the Christian calendar. Jesuit priest Fr Andrew Hamilton says that Palm Sunday stands at the intersection of God’s world and of the human world.
For many Australians Palm Sunday marks the beginning of preparations for the winter sport season. But for Christians it marks the beginning of a week dedicated to reflection on Jesus. It culminates in Jesus’ death on Good Friday and His rising on Easter Sunday.
Seen through the Christian belief that we are saved through Jesus’ death and rising, Palm Sunday stands at the intersection of God’s world – one of justice and goodness – and of the human world with its brutal political realities. Palm Sunday mocks the pretensions of power that consider only the expedience of its actions and not the human reality of the people affected by them.
We will be having a Holy Week Liturgy at 11.30am on 28th March which is Holy Thursday. I would encourage families to try and attend one of the three ceremonies of the Triduum at any Catholic Church – the Mass of the Last Supper on Thursday 28th March at 7pm; Good Friday prayers at 3pm on 29th March and the Easter Vigil ceremony of light on Saturday 30the March commencing at 7pm.
Catholic Schools Week 2024
This week is being celebrated in the last week of this term. The theme for 2024 is
‘Innovation and Faith’ and we will be hosting various activities.
Anzac Day
Once again Anzac Day falls at the end of the school holidays, on the Thursday before school resumes for MSPC and MSPP students on Tuesday 30th April. For many years College students and staff have marched proudly in the Murwillumbah Parade from the Post Office to the cenotaph near Murwillumbah Civic Centre. This year the College Year 12 leaders have been asked to conduct the ceremony of behalf of the RSL Sub-branch.
I would encourage as many as possible students to attend the Murwillumbah Parade and ceremony in their full dress uniform, including the College hat which will protect faces from the sun or collect the raindrops! The College Drumline and Band will accompany the march. Everyone will meet at 10am at Murwillumbah Post Office ready for a 10.30am March.
Mary-Anne McShane
Assistant Principal: Mission
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Mount St Patrick College is a great school because we have dedicated teachers who ensure that they are fully informed about current curriculum initiatives.
This week the Literacy team: Mr Simon Holder, Katie Pinkstone, Joanne McDonald and myself attended the Catholic Schools Association’s Writing Symposium in Sydney. The conference focused on the importance of developing competent, confident, independent writers and the importance of literacy in the new curriculum reform. Various presenters discussed the need for students to read more and to physically write rather than working constantly on computers. The physical process of writing assists in learning. The syllabus will see the return of teaching grammar explicitly. Mount St Patrick College have been devoting our professional development time to literacy over the last two years as a member of the Lismore Diocesan Learning Collaborative which centres around the work of Dr Lynn Sharratt.
Katie Pinkstone, our Leader of Learning English and Joanne McDonald, Leader of Curriculum, were then joined by English teacher and librarian Susan Britten to visit Shore School on the Harbour in Sydney. Shore was very generous with setting up a networking event where both schools shared their experiences and processes in creating successful English departments. We thank Mrs Britten for organising the visit and look forward to hearing about the learning.
Mount St Patrick College achieves exceptional English results. In the 2024 HSC we were ranked 31st in the state for English. However, we are always seeking to improve for the benefit of our amazing students.
Solomon Islands Immersion Program
The Immersion students are continuing with their fundraising ventures. On Wednesday at the St Patrick’s Day celebrations the students ran the Bunney’s Sausage sizzle and raised $1500. This is going towards educational supplies for our sister school in the Solomon Islands and the purchase of Solar products for the “Old Nuns” in Visale nursing home.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the fun St Patrick’s Day celebrations. The inaugural staff v students cricket games were fantastic fun and contributed to our school culture along with raising funds to help those less fortunate.
Narelle Sherrah
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
Week 8 has been a busy week at the College. Years 8, 9 and 10 have completed an array of formative and summative assessment tasks and have begun working on new topics in various subject areas. Feedback from formative and summative assessment provides students with an important opportunity to reflect on what they have done well and areas they could improve on to progress their knowledge, skills and understanding. A lot is gained from these valuable experiences.
The Year 11 Assessment Block has been scheduled to begin on 22/03/24 and will conclude on 28/03/24. Year 11 classes will not run during the assessment week. Year 11 students need only attend school to complete their assessments during this assessment block. They are required to sign in and out of the College at the front office daily.
The Year 12 Assessment Block will begin on Wednesday 03/04/24 and will conclude on Tuesday 09/04/24. Teachers have been impressed by the calm approach and focussed preparation of Year 12 for their upcoming assessments. This is a quality that will serve them well in their HSC. Year 12 classes will not run during the assessment week. Students need only attend school to complete their assessments during this assessment block. They are required to sign in and out of the College at the front office daily.
The Assessment Policy is detailed on the front page of the Assessment Portal which can be accessed on the MSPC Moodle Page. Information Handbooks are on the Portal.
If a student is sick and unable to complete an assessment on the due date, Years 7, 8 and 9 require a letter from a parent / carer or email to the class teacher, detailing the student’s circumstances for non-completion of an assessment task.
For Years 9 Accelerated, 10, 11 and 12 a medical practitioner is required to complete the MSPC Assessment Variation Illness Form. A copy of this document can be found on the student’s year page of the Assessment Portal.
Below is a summary of assessment tasks for Weeks 9 and 10:
Jo McDonald
Leader of Curriculum
Faculty News
On Friday 8th March, 8 students from the College attended a Senior Enrichment Day for Visual Arts at the Tweed River Art Gallery. The day was organised by the Gallery, for senior students from local high schools who are deserving and talented and who would benefit from expanding their knowledge and skills in Visual Arts. Year 11 students Sophie Forsyth, Mikaylah de Jonge, Haylen Fox-Duong, Ulani Uhlmann, Maia Fergus-Mackie, Isabelle Levings and Maya Bowling and Year 10 student, Lucy Grant, represented Mt St Patrick College for the day.
Students worked with artist-educator Mirra Whale, discussing her work and artmaking process. Mirra shared her expertise in drawing as part of this one-day intensive workshop, focused on contemporary drawing practice. Students created charcoal drawings on the day with instruction and exercises delivered by the artist. Whale discussed her art practice and shared with the students her insights about working in the arts and her career. Students also had the opportunity to discuss their own ideas and creative practice with the artist. We are very fortunate at the College to have a thriving local art community and world class Gallery that offers our young artists these worthwhile and valuable experiences.
Clara Cahill
LOL: Creative Arts
Year 7C Joseph Dufty and Matilda Orford
Method writing bump it up activity. Working together to grade method samples.
9 Accelerated Science
Introducing Motion in their Physics Unit by measuring the speed of their vortex throwing.
11 Biology
Investigating the structure and function and cell organelles and the cell membrane using a variety of student constructed models.
Year 12 Earth and Environmental Science
Year 12 Earth students are currently studying natural hazards including volcanoes and earthquakes. Here, students are participating in a virtual volcano simulation where they are interpreting data from tiltmeters, seizometers and water quality. This is needed to inform the eruption centre to make a decision about the need for an evacuation.
10Accel/11 Chemistry
Year 10 Accelerated and Year 11 Chemistry students beginning their Introduction to the Quantitative Chemistry unit by demonstrating the Law of Conservation of Mass! (left - Stephanie Mayne, Riley Monaghan, right - Hannah Windhorst).
Year 11 Marine studies are completing their PADI Open Water Dive certification. Pete from Tweed Sea Sports was at the College last week to go through the final part of their theory lessons. Next stop- underwater!!!
Lauren Frankham
Science Teacher
Exploring the Ancient Past
Our Year 8 classes have been studying the Ancient Past. This topic explores the development of civilisations and how history is studied today. Last week students honed their archaeological skills through a unique and delicious activity: cookie excavation! Our young archaeologists carefully picked through biscuit "sediment" to uncover hidden treasures of chocolate chips within.
This activity wasn't just about satisfying a sweet tooth: it was a hands-on way to learn about the ancient past. As students excavated their cookies using toothpicks, they mapped their finds on a grid just as archaeologists mark out their finds.
The students discovered that archaeology can require very intricate and detailed work, and that it is not always easy to excavate sites and leave them exactly as they were found.
Over the next week Year 8 will be wrapping up this topic and commence their study into Ancient Egypt.
Australian Geography Competition
The Australian Geography Competition is a contest for Australian secondary school students, assessing their geographical knowledge and skills. The Competition aims to encourage student interest in geography and to reward student excellence.
The HSIE department invites all students in Years 7 to 10 to enter the Australian Geography Competition, which will be held online in May and has an entry fee of $5. The Competition consists of mainly multiple-choice questions testing geographical knowledge and skills. All participants receive results and certificates (top 1% in Australia, high distinction, distinction, credit or participation).
To enter, students can provide consent and pay via Compass. Entries close on Friday 29th March, 2024 (which is Good Friday!). For further information please speak to your Geography or History teacher, or contact Ms Blazek.
Australian History Competition
Challenge yourself!
Join 34,000 students Australia-wide to test your critical thinking skills.
It’s not a memory test. No prior history knowledge required!
Get practice at sitting exams and a certificate showing your level of achievement to include in your high school portfolio.
Entry fee is $8, takes 45 minutes to complete. Each student will receive a question paper, a source booklet and a computer answer sheet. There will be 50 multiple choice questions graded from easy to challenging and catering to a range of abilities. There will be a variety of questions, with the primary focus on skills and understanding.
To enter, students can provide consent and pay via Compass. Entries close 29 March, 2024.
For further information please speak to your Geography or History teacher, or contact Ms Blazek.
Aimee Blazek
Leader of Learning: HSIE
Last week the College launched a google classroom dedicated to sport. It contains all the representative sporting options available at MSPC. For all the sports available, students will find a “Sport Specific Information” page which outlines where and when that particular event is to take place, a brief outline and an approximate cost. I feel it will be a useful tool for students to visit to gain information about an event they wish to trial for or attend. One other useful tool is that it also allows coaches to send emails to all who have enrolled in the classroom about meetings, upcoming training sessions or any last minute information the team will need.
Once a student has joined the classroom parents will have access to it also. There are also College records for our swimming and athletics carnivals.
Please encourage your child to join.
Congratulations to Ayla East (Open girls) and Tanesa Browning (Under 15 girls) who were successful in making their respective Lismore Diocesan Touch Football teams last week after attending trials in Sawtell with students from across the Diocese. They both will now play at the NSWCCC Championships to be held on the Central Coast at the end of the term.
Tuesday 5th March saw 9 of our students attend Lismore Diocesan trials for U16 and Open Girls Rugby League and U15 and Open Boys Rugby league at Woodlawn. Whilst on the same day at Lismore Thistles Soccer Club, the Open Football trials were held for Boys and Girls Lismore Dio teams. More information on selections soon.
Successful students now attend the Northern Country selection trials at South West Rocks on April 2nd and 3rd.
Open Girls Rugby League: Imogen Andrews
Under 16 Girls Rugby League: Tanesa Browning, Kate Pryke, Ivy Piticco
Under 15 Boys Rugby League: Sunny Waters
The 2024 Diocesan Swimming Championships were held in Port Macquarie on Thursday 7th March. Mt St Patrick College sent a squad of 19 athletes to the event with all families making the long journey south to support them.
The MSPC spirit was alive and well with our students displaying great encouragement for one another throughout the day. This camaraderie worked, as we enjoyed the best result in the history of our College, finishing second overall.
The following is a list of swimmers who have qualified for the next level, NSWCCC Championships in Sydney on Wednesday 3rd April.
Jody and Rick Van Den Driest
Girls League Tag School Challenge in Murwillumbah
The fields at Brothers Leagues Club were ablaze with talent and determination on Wednesday 6th March as schools from across the area clashed in the annual Girls League Tag School Challenge. With every age group competing fiercely, it was a day of great sportsmanship, hot humid weather and triumphs!
There were outstanding performances from all age groups and we were able to represent the College in each Grand Final. However, it was the Under-14 and Under-16 teams who stole the show, dominating their respective divisions and claiming victory in the Grand Finals.
The event showcased the athleticism and teamwork of young female athletes for this growing sport with MSPC fielding 5 teams on the day – 64 students. Some outstanding performers from the Open teams were: Imogen Andrews, Ava McCabe, Ayla East, Bree Hodges and Phoebe Pittico. From the Under-16 team: Tanesa Browning and from the Under 14 teams – Piper Boddie, Ella Bressan, Reign Walle and Milah Irby.
Congratulations to all the teams who participated in this event, and special commendations to the MSPC Under-14 and 16 teams for their outstanding achievements in bringing home the Champions Trophy!
OPEN GIRLS TEAM 1: Coach Mrs East
OPEN GIRLS TEAM 2: Coach Mrs Judd
Under 16’s: Coach Mr Campbell
Under 14’s TEAM 1: Coach Miss Birney
Under 14’s TEAM 2: Coach Miss Withers
Isiah Doevendans Yr 11: Rocky Trails Enduro
What a weekend for some enduro
3 massive days of racing, starting off with a 6th on the Friday, RockyTrails Academy, even after a few mishaps throughout the day. Next came the Super-flow Pro, which went over 2 days on some of my favourite tracks. Seeded in 6th again on Saturday for U21, then backed it up with a 4th on the Sunday with only 8 seconds off the podium. To top it all off, we clocked in about 70km for the big 1000km March ride fundraising for Camp Quality
Massive shoutout to @rockytrailentertainment for the best format of racing I have done, as well as everyone who raced especially in the super-flow pro. Everyone pushed hard and stayed extremely competitive which made it an absolute blast to race.
Thank you to my parents and family for taking me up for the weekend and supporting me the whole way, couldn’t have done it without you guys.
Finally, I would like to thank @reckless_aus for providing me with the best race gear possible. Tops of about 34 degrees was made more bearable thanks to reckless’s insanely good gear.
Harrison Dowling: Australian MTB Interschools Event - Thredbo March 4-8th
Harrison completed the third and final race for himself in Thredbo on Wednesday 6th after three days of competition in the Interschools. He did really well. He had a great time and learnt a lot too.
Race 1 - 18th out of 310 riders
Race 2 - 17th out of 324
Race 3 - 18th out of 350 (12 seconds behind 1st)
This year the Diocese will be holding trials for a Lismore team in Under 15 and Open Netball. Any interested players should be playing at a representative level prior to applying. The application process requires athletes to complete an online registration form via the link below. Applications will be sent to coaches who will sift through all applications before selecting a small squad to invite to trial. Successful applicants will be informed prior to the event. Applications are open now, click the link:
Lismore Dio Sport Registrations
Applications will close on March 20th. Students also have access to this via their google classroom.
On Tuesday 12th March 10 students represented MSPC at the Diocesan Tennis Championships at Arkinstall Park in Tweed Heads. The Tweed region turned on some beautiful weather which allowed for an abundance of competitive tennis.
MSPC had both girls and boys senior teams for the tournament and also a junior boys teams. The senior girls team of Ciara Dwyer, Tara O’Donnell, Amelia Andrews and Charlotte Waddell had the big task of attempting to continue the winning streak of MSPC at the event - which the senior girls had won for the last few years. Although they played well throughout the day they placed 5th on the day.
The senior boys team of Ben Wilson, Norm Fraser, Arlo Kirk and Sean Farrelly also played some great tennis throughout the day and narrowly missed out on a medal with the team placing 3rd overall.
It was the junior boys who shone brightest for MSPC playing some fantastic tennis and only losing one game over their seven matches. Bernie Fraser and Keane Moriyon were able to win their division and show that MSPC should be a tennis force in the senior boys division in years to come.
All students should be commended for their sportsmanship and positive attitude throughout the tournament. They were fantastic representatives of the MSPC community.
Mr Priddis and Mrs Cahill
Senior Girls
In a thrilling showcase of skill and teamwork, the MSPC Open Girls Basketball team delivered a masterclass performance at the Coffs Harbour tournament, securing two commanding victories. The girls soared to victory against St. Joseph's College, Banora (SJC) with a resounding 26-12 win, followed by an even more emphatic 28-0 triumph over St Mary’s Casino.
From the opening tip-off to the final buzzer, the team exhibited
exceptional athleticism, strategic prowess, and unwavering determination.
Spearheading their offensive charge were the dynamic duo of Bree Puntigam and
Kerala Richards, whose pinpoint accuracy and relentless drive to the basket
left opponents scrambling to contain their scoring prowess. Puntigam and
Richards consistently found the net, delivering crucial points that propelled their team to victory.
However, the team's success was not solely confined to their offensive exploits. The defensive end proved to be equally formidable, thanks to the stellar efforts of Maddi White and Charlie Gear. White and Gear demonstrated exceptional defensive awareness and tenacity, thwarting opponents' scoring attempts with their timely blocks, steals, and disruptive play. Their steadfast presence in the backcourt served as a formidable barrier against any offensive onslaught, ensuring their team maintained control of the game throughout.
The victories against SJC and St Mary’s Casino not only solidify the MSPC Open Girls Basketball team's standing as an emerging force to be reckoned with in the tournament but also serve as a testament to their unwavering resolve and competitive spirit. Well done Girls!
Senior Boys
On Thursday 14th March the Senior Boys Basketball team represented MSPC in the 2024 Diocean Tournament held in Coffs Harbour. The team placed second in division two and showed great promise for the future with only one Year 12 player in the squad - Jack McClymont. The rest of the squad being made up of students from Years 10 and 11.
Game 1:
Opponent: St Joseph's, Banora Point
Result: Win (37-32)
The MSPC College senior boys started their campaign with a hard-fought victory against St Joseph's, Banora Point. Despite facing a tough opponent, our team displayed excellent teamwork and determination, securing a 37-32 win.
Game 2:
Opponent: St Mary's, Casino
Result: Win (38-15)
Building on their previous success, the MSPC College senior boys continued their winning streak with a dominant performance against St Mary's, Casino. With exceptional offensive and defensive plays, our team secured a convincing 38-15 win.
Game 3:
Opponent: Regional, Port Macquarie
Result: Loss (37-33)
In a closely contested match, the MSPC College senior boys faced a setback as they narrowly lost to Regional, Port Macquarie. Despite putting up a strong fight, our team fell short by four points, with the final score standing at 37-33.
Game 4:
Opponent: McAuley College, Grafton
Result: Win (42-18)
The MSPC College senior boys bounced back from their previous loss with a commanding victory against McAuley College, Grafton. With exceptional offensive prowess and solid defence, our team secured a resounding 42-18 win, reaffirming their strength and resilience.
Overall, the MSPC College senior boys have shown great promise and determination in the Diocesan Basketball competition, securing notable victories and displaying commendable sportsmanship throughout their matches.
Squad: Clancy Greenbury, Ryan Stuart, Norm Fraser, Joseph Maynard, Matthew Ryan, Jack McClymont, Xander Wallace and Jaxon McAuliffe.
Sam Priddis and Lauren Frankham
- Diocesan North Open Football
- NSWCCC Swimming
- Lismore Diocesan U15 & Open Netball trials
- Rugby League training and selections 14/16 Boys and Girls
- Aussie rules training begins Week 8
Tim Whitney
Sports Coordinator
College News
Thank you again to the staff and students who entered the second annual Lucan and Friends Of The Pound Pet Photo Competition. Entries were exceptional and we cannot wait to see what photos you have in store for the competition next year. Get snapping!!!
Please don’t forget, FOTP needs PEOPLE POWER! Please follow and like them on Facebook and Instagram. They need as many people as possible, seeing and sharing the weekly posts of cats and dogs available, in need of a new home.
BEST 0.5
Susan Waters
(Leader of Wellbeing, Lucan)