MSPC Newsletter - Term 1, Week 4, 28th February
Assistant Principal - Mission
Opening College Mass and Induction of Student Leaders
Last Friday 21st February we had a great celebration to mark the beginning of the 2025 academic year. All new students were especially welcomed to the College by our Parish Priest, Fr Peter Wood. Fr Peter also inducted eight Year 12 students and two staff members as Ministers of Holy Communion and blessed and presented the badges to the 26 members of the Year 12 student leadership team. Congratulations to all the inductees and well done to Miss Molloy, Tom McGhee and Ms Thompson for their co-ordination of the celebration.

School Photos – Tuesday 4th March
All students will have a portrait/ID photo taken, in a published schedule organized by year group, between 8.45am and 3.15pm next Tuesday 4th March.
Photo envelopes were distributed in homerooms very early this term. Extra Envelopes and special Sibling Photo Envelopes are available at the Front Office. Requests/orders for Sibling Photos will close at midnight on Monday 3rd March. Ordering is mostly an online process although cash in the photo envelopes will be accepted on the day.
All students will be photographed in their dress uniform top/shirt. If they have sport or practical PE on this day, depending on when their photograph is being taken, they need to wear their dress uniform shirt to school and then change into their sports top (or the reverse – wear sport uniform to school and then change into the dress uniform top they have bought in). There will be a catch-up day on Tuesday 11th March for those students and staff absent on 4th March and to complete some Sibling Photos unable to be scheduled on 4th March.
To make an order online go to and enter the College’s 9-digit code into the ‘Order and Download Box”:
B8V DPW 9Y Click on ‘Order Photos’ and then choose your package.
Online Safety
Included in this newsletter is an article regarding Digital Safety for students and invitations to register for a live guest speaker at St Ambrose Primary School, organized by the Diocesan Parent Assembly and a range of other webinars that could assist parents in navigating technology with their teens.
Year 12 Retreat Wednesday 5th – Friday 7th March
Best wishes to Year 12, and the generous staff accompanying them, as the head to the mountains at Camp Bornhoffen for 3 days of fun and reflection.
Ash Wednesday
Year 7 – 11 students and staff will go to the Sacred Heart Church next Wednesday morning 5th March for a liturgy to mark the beginning of Lent. The liturgy will involve the distribution of ashes and a call to focus on where we need to change during the 40 days of Lent so that we can be the best versions of ourselves. The following is a prayer that will be used at this liturgy:
Merciful God, you called us forth from the dust of the earth; you claimed us for Christ in the waters of baptism. Look upon us as we enter these Forty Days bearing the mark of ashes, and bless the journey through the desert of Lent to the font of rebirth. AMEN.
Mary-Anne McShane
Assistant Principal: Mission
Understanding the Law and Image-Based Abuse
In our connected world, digital devices and social media are a daily part of young people’s lives. While they offer ways to connect and share, they also bring risks—particularly in the form of image-based abuse, threatening and bullying behaviour.
Image-based abuse involves sharing or threatening to share intimate images without consent. In Australia, this behaviour is illegal, with severe consequences for those involved. Young people may not fully understand the gravity of sharing intimate images, even in private contexts, and the lasting impact it can have. The use of generated artificial intelligence (Gen AI) images adds a troubling dimension, as realistic but fake images can be created and misused to target peers, staff, or others.
The Law: Sharing, or threatening to share, a nude or sexual image or video without the consent of the person shown is a crime in Australia. It is a criminal offence to:
- Share intimate images of a person without their consent.
- Threaten to share such images.
- Possess or create explicit images of minors, even if shared consensually among peers.
- Create or distribute Gen AI explicit images involving real or fake depictions of individuals without consent.
How Parents Can Respond
- Educate: Talk to your young person about the legal and emotional consequences of image sharing and the misuse of Gen AI technology.
- Monitor: Stay aware of your young person’s online activities and encourage responsible use of technology.
- Support: Let your young person know they can approach you if they encounter online harassment or pressure.
- Conversation Starters: Use open questions to discuss this topic with your young person.
‘Have you heard about image-based abuse? What do you think it means?’
‘What would you do if someone asked you to send a private image of yourself?’
‘Why is it important to think carefully before sharing images online?’
‘How can we protect ourselves and others from harmful online behaviour?’
The creation or sharing of inappropriate images—whether real or Gen AI—of peers, staff, or others will not be tolerated within our school community. We aim to partner with you in fostering a safe, nurturing environment where our students grow in faith, virtue, and knowledge. By raising awareness about image-based abuse, we can help our young people make wise choices and protect their dignity online. For more information: esafety Image-based Abuse
Mary-Anne McShane
Assistant Principal Mission
Year 12 Retreat – The Countdown is On!
The Year 12 Retreat is almost here! This is a special opportunity to step away from the busyness of school, reflect, connect with friends, and create lasting memories.
Retreat Details:
📅 When: Wednesday, 5th March – Friday, 7th March
🚌 Departure: 9:30 AM from the College (please arrive at normal school time)
🏡 Return: In time for afternoon buses or pick-up
✅ Early Departure: Students may leave as soon as we return to the College with parent/guardian permission (to be submitted via the compass event form).
We can’t wait for this amazing experience—see you there!
Parents/carers are reminded to complete the compass and payment if they have not done so already. Please call the college if you have any concerns.
Transitus - Year 7
Transitus Retreat! The response has been incredible, and while we’d love to take everyone, we only have 13 spots available this year.
Keep an eye on your emails this week to see if you’ve been selected! The Compass event will also go live this week, so be sure to check in and confirm your place.
We can’t wait for an unforgettable retreat experience! 🌿✨
LEAD Conference – Important Reminder!
Students selected or nominated to attend the LEAD Conference this year are reminded to have their parents/carers complete the online Compass consent form by Friday, 28th February.
Please ensure you read all the information carefully, especially regarding exam commitments.
We’re looking forward to an inspiring and rewarding experience! 🌟
Leaders Induction Mass – A Special Celebration
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to making our Leaders Induction Mass last Friday such a meaningful and memorable occasion.
We extend our gratitude to Fr Peter Wood for celebrating the Mass and to our newly inducted student leaders, who proudly received their badges.
A special thank you also goes to all who assisted in the Mass, including our readers, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, guests, and visitors. Your support and participation helped make this a truly special celebration of leadership and faith.
Congratulations to our Captains and house leaders. We look forward to seeing you lead with courage, kindness, integrity and strength in spirit this year.

Grace Molloy
Leader of School Evangelisation
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
The students have now settled into learning at Mt St Patrick College. The Learning and Teaching Team conduct regular learning walks where we observe the great learning that happens in the classrooms. I am observing engaged students who are actively involved in their learning.
As students settle into their learning they might need to also settle into some study. We will be introducing year 7 into some study skills and giving them tips for success.
Study habits, good study habits, are not just for senior students. The foundation is laid in junior years and from the beginning of the year. I will be including study tips in the next newsletters to help students.
The first step is to create a study environment that fosters productivity. A quiet, well-lit room with a desk and comfortable chair is best. Keep distractions at a minimum — silence any computer notifications, and keep your phone on silent and in another room.
The recommended amount of homework and study for students is:
Year 7 and 8 - 1hour per night 4 times a week
Year 9 and 10 - 1.5 hours per night 4 times a week
Year 11 and 12 - 3 hours a night 4 times a week.
If you feel that your child is receiving little homework or too much please contact their Homeroom teacher so we can investigate and assist your child.
War Cries
Yesterday the Mt St Patrick spirit was alive with the annual war cry battle taking place on the basketball court. No student was injured but the fierce competition has laid the way for a fun and competitive swimming carnival.

Narelle Sherrah
Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching
It is Week 4 and students have met their teachers and settled into their learning routines. This is the time when good study habits should be formed. No doubt you will have heard the maxim that the key to effective learning is that ‘practice equals progress’. Students are therefore encouraged to be organised, focused and regularly complete their coursework and homework to the best of their ability. They should be recording their homework into their personal Google Calendar and using the ‘My Tasks’ function on their Compass homepage.
I have met with each year group and they have been guided to set personal goals to improve their learning. Setting realistic goals such as planning a regular home study routine or focusing on a key learning area could be a realistic goal. Students are encouraged to be proactive and seek advice from their teachers if they are struggling or unsure of what is required. Sending an email to a teacher can be an effective way to ask for clarification or ask for assistance.
There is a study planner that can be downloaded to help students keep track of their coursework, homework and assessment tasks. This will allow them to detail their commitments on a daily, weekly and term basis. Students can find planners on the MSPC Assessment Portal on their year page.
A summary of the Assessment Policy is found on the front page of the Assessment Portal which can be accessed on the MSPC Moodle Page. Assessment / Information Handbooks are located on the year page of the Assessment Portal. Students can access this using their college login email address.

If a student is sick and unable to complete an assessment on the due date, Years 7, 8 and 9 require a letter from a parent / carer detailing the student’s circumstances for non-completion of an assessment task. See below for Year 9 Accelerated.
Years 9 Accelerated, 10, 11 require a medical practitioner / pharmacist to complete the MSPC Assessment Variation Illness Form. A copy of this is located on the student’s year page of the Assessment Portal.
Year 12 requires a medical practitioner to complete the MSPC Assessment Variation Illness Form. A copy of this is located on the student’s year page of the Assessment Portal.
There are no assessment tasks scheduled for Weeks (03/03/25 - 07/03/25) 5 and 6 (10/03/25 - 14/03/25).
A summary of the Assessment Rules is included below for your information. Detailed information is available in the Stage Handbook on the Assessment Portal.
Joanne McDonald
Leader of Curriculum

Assessment Task Rules: Summary
Mt St Patrick College
All Years: Students are to complete ALL Assessment Tasks for each subject. If there is a valid reason e.g. prolonged illness or approved leave, the student may be awarded a mark based on a substitute task or the Curriculum Coordinator may approve an estimated mark being awarded.
Years 11 and 12
- Years 11 and 12 should refer to their Senior Handbooks for the MSPC Assessment Policy relating to Stage 6. All HSC students should read and comply with the NESA HSC Rules and Procedures Guide. All students entered in an HSC course must read the HSC Rules and Procedures Guide. The weblink can be found on the NESA Webpage and the year page of the Assessment Portal.
Extensions: Only the Leader of Curriculum can grant an extension for tasks and they must be applied for at least 3 days before the task is due. The extension request must be supported by an email or letter from the parent / carer.
Late submissions and malpractice
- If a student fails to hand in/seriously complete an assessment task by the due date, a zero will be awarded. However, the task must still be completed by the student to fulfil NESA requirements.
- For Years 7 to 10: Late submissions of hand-in tasks have 20% of the mark achieved for that task deducted per day late and will receive zero after 3 days. For example, if a student obtained 60% for a task and it was 1 day late they would have their mark reduced by 20% and their mark would be 48%.
If a task is designated to be handed in at a particular time e.g. 9.00 AM Tuesday, 20% will be deducted after that time e.g. 9.30 AM Tuesday. The same will apply to late arrival for an in-class task.
- Years 11 and 12: late submissions will result in a zero if the illness/misadventure application is not approved.
- If plagiarism, malpractice or the gaining of unfair advantage is identified, a zero will be awarded.
What is malpractice?
Malpractice is any activity undertaken by a student that allows them to gain an unfair advantage over others. A student found to be committing malpractice may receive a zero; a loss of some marks or may have to resubmit an alternate, yet comparable task. In this case, parents/caregivers would be contacted by the relevant Leader of Learning. It includes, but is not limited to:
- plagiarism or the copying of someone else’s work in part or in whole, and presenting it as their own using material directly from books, journals, CDs or the internet without reference to the source
- building on the ideas of another person without reference to the source
- submitting work to which another person such as a parent, coach or subject expert has contributed substantially
- using words, ideas, designs or the workmanship of others in practical and performance tasks without appropriate acknowledgement
- paying someone to write or prepare material
- breaching school examination rules
- using any Artificial Intelligence tool eg ChatGPT, to write assessment responses
- using non-approved aides during an assessment task
- contriving false explanations to explain work not handed in by the due date
- assisting another student to engage in malpractice
[Source: HSC Assessment In A Standards-Referenced Framework – A Guide To Best Practice, Educational Resources NESA, ]
What if you are absent for an Assessment Task?
- Year 7-9 students: a note from the parent is required upon the student’s return. On return to school it is the student’s responsibility to take the parent / carer note to the subject teacher and organise to do the task at the earliest possible time.
Year 9 Accelerated and Year 10 students: a Medical Practitioner / Pharmacist must complete the Mount St Patrick Assessment Variation Illness Application for the dates that students are absent for assessments and catch-up assessments. This can be accessed on the student’s year page on the Assessment Portal. A zero will be awarded if the completed document is not provided. NB/ A signed statutory declaration will not be accepted. Documentation is to be submitted to the Leader of Curriculum. Please note that a family event or holiday would not be considered a valid reason for an extension or exemption.
- Year 11 - 12 students: a Medical Practitioner must complete the Mount St Patrick Assessment Variation Illness Application for the dates that students are absent for assessments and catch up assessments. This can be accessed on the student’s year page on the Assessment Portal. A zero will be awarded if the completed document is not provided. NB: A signed statutory declaration will not be accepted. Documentation is to be submitted to the Leader of Curriculum. Please note that a family event or holiday would not be considered a valid reason for an extension or exemption.
- On the day of their return to school, it is the student’s responsibility to see the subject teacher / Leader of Learning and organise to complete the task at the specified time.
Catch-up tasks
- It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to report to their subject teacher or the appropriate Leader of Learning, before homeroom, on the FIRST day of their return and arrange a time to complete the task. If they fail to do this, a 20% penalty may be awarded and the task must still be completed.
- During the Years 7-9 examination / assessment blocks, a catch-up period will be specified on the examination timetable. However, the student should still report to their teacher with a note and/or Medical Certificate.
- During the Years 10-12 examination / assessment blocks, a catch-up period will be specified on the assessment timetable. A Medical Practitioner must complete the Mount St Patrick Assessment Variation Illness Application to include the catch-up period, should the students still be absent due to illness. This form can be accessed on the student’s year page on the Assessment Portal. A zero will be awarded if the completed document is not provided.
- For other tasks, students will have the opportunity to complete the task within a subject set timeframe for example:

Assessment Tasks Completed on Computers
To minimise issues with computers and printers around the time of the assessment due date, students should:
- save their work frequently as they progress.
- print draft copies as substantial additions are made to the assessment.
- have a backup copy of their assessment on their personal Google ‘My Drive’ and should email drafts of their assessment to themself via their school email periodically.
- Students who complete their assignments on computers at home should ensure:
- assessment is submitted as specified on the Assessment Task Notification.
- that any programs used are compatible with the College system.
NB/ computers or printers that are not working will not be accepted as a valid reason for a late submission, or for an extension.
If relying on printing in the library, it is the student's responsibility to check that programs are compatible with the school system.
Hand in Submissions: Requirements
For all hand in assessment tasks, students are required to keep a digital copy of their assessment that
is time and date stamped. For example, the copy could be a PDF copy, scanned copy, or a
photographic copy of the assessment task. The copy must display the date and time the assessment
was completed and should not be altered past the due date and time.
Faculty News
Get Ready to Invest: ASX Sharemarket Game!
We’re excited to announce that all students in the school are invited to participate in the ASX Sharemarket Game, alongside our Year 10 Commerce and Year 11 Business Studies students!
This engaging and interactive competition gives participants $50,000 in virtual cash to invest in real-time ASX-listed companies. Over 10 weeks (13 March - 22 May), students will experience the highs and lows of the stock market, learning essential skills in investment strategies, financial decision-making, and risk management—all in a safe and competitive environment, with the first prize of $1,000!
By taking part in the game, students will:
✅ Learn how the stock market operates
✅ Develop critical thinking and financial literacy skills
✅ Compete against students across Australia for prizes
🎉 School Prize Alert! 🎉
In addition to the national competition, we will be awarding a special prize to our school’s top-performing investor! This is a fantastic opportunity for everyone, whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting to learn about the stock market.
We look forward to seeing how our students navigate the market and wish them the best of luck!
For more details about the game, visit . If you would like to participate but not in Commerce or Business Studies, please email either Mr Michael Acret or Ms Zoe Boxshall for registration.

The HSIE Team
All results from our carnival will appear in the next newsletter.
Many MSPC athletes have been successful in being invited to the first of our Lismore Diocesan events. Trials were held for U16 & 18 Girls Rugby League and Boys U15 and Open League Tuesday at Woodlawn. We had 7 students attend these trials. The Open boys and girls soccer trials were also held on Tuesday, but in Coffs Harbour and three boys were in attendance. Diocesan Touch football trials will be held on March 4th in Toormina with 2 students in attendance.
Tim Whitney
Sport Co-ordinator
Welcome back to another exciting term of music! We have many programs on offer in Term 1. Please have a read through their descriptions and encourage your child to consider joining one of these wonderful groups.

The College Choir is open to anyone who loves singing and is keen to learn how to sing in harmony and enjoy performing as a group. As a choir students learn a blend of pop and traditional music that features at our many performances during the year, including our Creative Arts Showcase, Festival of Performing Arts, Masses and more. Supported by our lovely older students, choir is a safe space for students to grow and develop their talents, so please bring your lunch, bring a friend and come join in every Tuesday lunchtime in M23. For any more information please contact
For any students who have been playing a band instrument for a few years now and love music, you are warmly invited to come and try out being a part of the College Band! As part of the band students learn to play a variety of repertoire, mainly focussing on popular and jazz music also exploring pieces requested of us by the College such as for the Anzac Day March, Graduation Mass and Christmas Tableau. Band is well loved by all involved, offering tasty treats, a sense of belonging among fellow musicians and experience in playing with a group. New students are especially welcome to bring your instrument to M23 every Thursday lunchtime and we will look after you. Also welcome, for the first few weeks, are any students who would just like to sit in and listen to see what it’s all about. For any band or instrument related enquiries please contact
For any students interested in learning an instrument or continuing with their lessons we have a variety of peripatetic teachers available to book lessons with. Please contact the teachers directly. Their details can be found below.
Mikey Minh Nguyen
Guitar, Drums, Bass and Lunchtime Rock & Pop Band Mentor 0410 036 982
Alicia Charleston
Guitar (beginners to advanced), Bass Guitar and Monday after school Rock Band Program (prefers contact via email, leave your number and she will call you back)
Jake Bryant
Trumpet, Saxophone, Clarinet, Trombone, Flute 0408 831 127
Alison Fletcher
Violin, Flute, Keyboard 0488 724 079
Barry Singh
Viola and Cello 0459 197 351
Instrument hire is available through the school for $25 a term with the first term free.
Instruments currently available include:
3x Trumpets
4x Flutes
1x Clarinet
2x Alto Saxophone
2x Tenor Saxophone
1x Baritone Saxophone
Please contact Kaitlyn Rennes-Nadal for more information if interested
This term the lead cast will be working very hard to prepare for our upcoming musical ‘Grease’. Students rehearse during two class lessons per week and must be available to attend the 4x Sunday rehearsals. Dates for the additional Sunday rehearsals are as shown, parents please save the date if your child is involved, a note has been sent home.
1st Sunday rehearsal - Week 3: 23rd February 10am-3pm (already occurred)
2nd Sunday rehearsal - Week 6: 16th March 10am-3pm
3rd Sunday rehearsal - Week 9: 6th April 10am-3pm
4th Sunday rehearsal- Last Sunday of Easter School Holidays 27th 10am-3pm
Please see the advertisement below for show dates. Tickets will be available to purchase from Week 8
The Lead Ensemble, Dance Team and Behind the Scenes Team have all been finalised. We will be taking on 20 more students as part of the Chorus Ensemble. These students will be notified in the coming weeks. We had a huge number of students wanting to be involved. Unfortunately not all students wanting to take part will be able to. Priority will be given to students who auditioned but missed out on a lead role, and students who have followed up their expression of interest.
A huge thank you to Jo Biles, a parent of a member of our dance team, who has offered her time, skills and experience to assist with the costuming for the show. I am sure she would love a team supporting her, if you would like to assist with costumes please get in touch.

The Murbah Youth Fest is a very exciting opportunity for the community, featuring a variety of creative events for all schools and youth in Murwillumbah aged 12-24. These include a Battle of the Bands, Talent Contest, Cosplay Contest , Creative Markets (including DIY workshops) and a Youth Art Stall.
The Youth Fest will take place on Saturday April 12, 2025.
The festival aims to provide a platform for young people to showcase their talents and creativity, and is something students at MSPC have participated in before and found very rewarding.
Students and staff can express their interest by contacting any of the following individuals or filling out the form in the poster below:
Jess Porter - Youth Worker
0481 982 068
Eva Sanz – Community Services Coordinator
0411 731 475

Kaitlyn Rennes-Nadal
Leader of Learning: Creative Arts - Music
College News
Student Voice
On behalf of the Year 12 Student Leadership team, we would like to welcome you all to the 2025 school year. Last week, alongside our extraordinary team of House co-captains we had the privilege of being officially inducted as the 2025 College Captains. We are honoured to hold this position and thank the student and staff body for entrusting it to us. We are both so proud to lead our school and thankful to our fellow students and staff for trusting and accepting us while we pursue this role.
This year, our student leadership team has chosen the theme 'Strength in Spirit.' Through this theme, we embrace the idea that our collective energy is greater than any individual effort. We aim to build on the incredible work of past leadership teams to foster a spirited community where all students feel encouraged to get involved in every aspect of College life and make the most of every opportunity.
Our team has hit the ground running: helping with Year 7 Transition Days; preparing for the Swimming Carnival; and planning some exciting initiatives for the year ahead. This term, we look forward to Doyle House hosting the Yorrick Cup Pickleball Tournament, the second event week of the Louise Shield’s Shield, and the Assisi Project Compassion Easter Raffle. Check out our Swimming Carnival video below!
As College Captains, we hope all students have a fantastic first term. For our fellow Year 12s, as we embark on this final year together, we can’t wait to continue building unforgettable memories at Mount St Patrick College, starting with the Year 12 Retreat next week!
We look forward to staying connected with students, parents, and the wider MSPC community throughout 2025.
Makaylah De Jonge and Ewan Bourne
College Captains 2025
Puzzle Corner
Can you solve the puzzle below?
If you think you have the solution, please see Mrs Bevan.
The first 10 correct answers will receive a prize.

Community News
2025 High School Students Hockey Competition
Hockey Tweed are starting a new hockey competition in 2025 for High School Students.
This competition is for any person aged U18 whether you have experience playing hockey or not.
The competition will be held on Tuesday nights and is a mixed competition.
Get a team of friends together and start playing hockey on the turf fields in Murwillumbah.
To register select the club you want to be a part of and sign up!
Registrations for Winter Hockey and Winter Hockey social comp 2024 are now open. New to Hockey - Primary, Highschool Player U18 and Senior over 18 registration - pick the club you want to play with and then select "New Member" |