
An Innovative Curriculum 

The curriculum at Mt St Patrick College is constantly evolving as we endeavour to do our best for every student in terms of their educational needs and growth as a Christian person. The curriculum is student-centred and allows every student to experience success, develop self esteem and gain confidence to meet their future needs.

Over the last few years, eight new elective subjects have been added to the already broad options available to students in Stage 5 and 6. Students have more choice and are now able to study more elective subjects in Stage 5 due to the introduction of 100 hour courses.

The curriculum is flexible and offers students a number of different pathways leading to the Higher School Certificate. Options may include Life Skills Courses, Vocational Education Courses, on-line delivery, acceleration or TAFE courses.

An innovative Science program allows Year 9 students to accelerate and then complete their Higher School Certificate Chemistry Examination at the end of Year 11. This reduces a student’s work load in Year 12 and helps create a more positive work ethic in all subjects. Acceleration is also offered in Mathematics and students are able to complete their HSC Mathematics Examination at the end of Year 11.

Enrichment classes are offered in Years 7 to 10  in the core subject areas of Mathematics, English, Science and History. Students who require additional assistance have access to a structured intervention program and Life Skills Courses.

Mt St Patrick prides itself on offering a wide choice in curriculum.  Students are provided with a variety of opportunities in each Key Learning Area.  As a Catholic College, Religion is taught at all levels.  A state-wide course called ‘Faithful to God, Faithful to People’ is taught from Years 7 to 10.  In Years 11 and 12 a 1 Unit Board Developed Course, ‘Studies of Religion’ and a 1 Unit Board Endorsed Course entitled ‘Catholic Faith in Action’ in Year 11 and ‘Catholic Studies’ in Year 12 are taught.

  • English and Mathematics offer the full range of courses while Science offers Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth and Environmental Science, Marine Studies and Senior Science in Years 11 and 12.
  • Personal Development, Health and Physical Education is studied in Years 7 to 10 and is also offered in Years 11 and 12 in conjunction with Community and Family Studies. Elective courses Child Studies and Physical activity and sport studies are offered in stage 5.
  • Human Society and its Environment enables students to study History, Geography, and Commerce.  While in Years 11 and 12 students may also study Economics, Legal Studies, Business Studies, History and Geography.
  • Technological and Applied Studies offers a variety of interesting subjects such as Design & Technology, Food Technology, Hospitality and Furnishings. Also on offer is Computing Studies, Technics, Textiles, Industrial Technology, Technical Drawing, Information Processes and Technology and Business and Office Procedures.
  • In the Creative Arts KLA, students are able to study Music, Drama and Visual Arts from Years 7 to 12 while Photography is offered in Years 9, 10 and 11.
  • Languages- Japanese or French are studied in Year 8 as a 100 hour mandatory course. Depending on the demand by students for Japanese or French as an elective, either languages may be offered in Years 9 and or 10. There is a possibilty that students may be able to study Japanese, French or another language for their HSC through online portals at a cost to the student. 
  • Mt St Patrick College also offers a range of Vocational Education courses in the Senior School.  These are Board of Studies Developed Courses and Content Endorsed Courses and include Hospitality, Furniture making, Fitness, Entertainment, Business Services, Exploring Early Childhood, Photography,  Sports, Leisure and Recreation.
  • TAFE – delivered vocational education courses – In Years 11 and 12, students are able to study TAFE courses as part of their HSC course.

Subjects Offered

Years 7-10:

Religious Education




Industrial Technology: Multimedia

Food Technology

Industrial Technology: Timber




Personal Development, Health, PE



Visual Arts




Physical Activity and Sports Studies

Textiles Technology

Marine and Aquaculture Technology

Technology (Mandatory)

Child Studies

Years 11-12:

1 Unit Catholic Faith in Action

1 Unit Studies of Religion

2 Unit Advanced, Standard and Extension English

2 Unit, General and Extension Mathematics




Investigating Science

Earth and Environmental Science

Design & Technology

Industrial Technology: Timber Products

Industrial Technology: Mulitmedia

Food Technology


Visual Arts

Business Studies

Economics (online)

Ancient History 


Legal Studies

Modern History


1 Unit Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation

Community and Family Studies



1 Unit Photography

Furniture Making Pathways

1 Unit Exploring Early Childhood

Computing Applications

1 Unit Marine Studies

Computer Applications

Business Services 

Entertainment Industry

Fitness Studies

Primary Industries – Animal Studies *

Retail *

Hairdressing *

Design *

Horticulture *


Automotive Studies*


*Denotes TAFE – delivered vocation education courses – courses offered by TAFE Colleges.

#Denotes Online learning - Offered externally through the Diocese Online Portal or Southern Cross School of Languages.

Key Learning Areas

Click on the headings below to expand and view each subject 

Religious Studies

As partners in Catholic Education, we commit ourselves to providing quality Religious Education for our students through

  • making Jesus’ love of each individual, his example and values espoused in the Gospels known and understood among our community members.
  • enhancing our professional, technological and spiritual development.
  • promoting our Catholic Identity and Tradition and its expression in building a strong faith community.
  • addressing the diverse needs of our students and utilising new technologies to expand learning opportunities

Angela Finkel
Leader of Learning
Religious Education


The English Key Learning Area is an area of study that is central to the learning and development of students and is the mandatory subject in the Stage 6 curriculum. The importance of English in the curriculum is a recognition of its role as the national language and increasingly as the language of international communication. Proficiency in English enables students to take their place as confident, articulate communicators, critical and imaginative thinkers and active participants in society.

English involves the study and use of language in its various textual forms, encompassing written, spoken and visual texts of varying complexity, including the language systems of English through which meaning is conveyed, interpreted and reflected.

The study of English enables students to recognise and use a diversity of approaches and texts to meet the growing array of literacy demands, including social, aesthetic and cultural literacy. This study is designed to promote a sound knowledge of the structure and function of the English language and to develop effective English communication skills. The English Stage 4, 5 and 6 courses develop in students an understanding of literary expression and nurture an appreciation of aesthetic values. Through reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing students are encouraged to adopt a critical approach to all texts and to distinguish the qualities of texts. Students also develop English language skills to support their study at Stage 6 and beyond.

The study of English enables students to come to understand the complexity of meaning, to respond to texts according to their form, content, purpose and audience, and to appreciate the personal, vocational, social, historical, cultural and workplace contexts that produce and value them. Students reflect on their reading and learning and understand that these processes are shaped by the contexts in which they respond to and compose texts.

Through responding to and composing texts, students learn about the power, value and art of the English language for communication, knowledge and pleasure. They engage with and explore texts that include the literature of past and contemporary societies. By composing and responding with imagination, feeling, logic and conviction, students develop understanding of themselves. and of human experience and culture. They develop clear and precise skills in speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing, and knowledge and understanding of language forms and features and structures of texts.

In their study of English, students develop their critical and imaginative faculties and broaden their cultural understanding. They examine the contexts of language usage to understand how meaning is shaped by a variety of social factors. As students’ command of English grows, they are able to question, assess, challenge and reformulate information and use creative and analytical language to clarify and solve problems. They become imaginative and confident users of information and communication technologies, understanding their impact on society. These skills allow them to develop their control of language in ways that will help them in lifelong learning, in their careers and in life.

The study of English enables students to make sense of, and to enrich their lives in personal, social and professional situations and to deal effectively with change. Students develop a strong sense of themselves as autonomous, reflective and creative learners. The English Stage 6 syllabus is designed to develop in students the faculty to perceive and understand their world from a variety of perspectives, and it enables them to appreciate the richness of Australia’s cultural diversity.

English Courses at Mt St Patrick College are designed to develop enjoyment of English and an appreciation of its values and role in learning.

Katie Pinkstone
Leader of Learning


The Mathematics Faculty at Mt St Patrick College is an enthusiastic team of dedicated staff who bring a wide variety of experiences to students both in and outside of the classroom.


The aim of Mathematics at the College is to promote students' appreciation and application of mathematics in their everyday lives. A structured and caring environment is provided and all students are encouraged to develop their mathematical thinking, understanding, confidence and competence in solving mathematical problems.

The staff aim to make Mathematics meaningful and relevant to students as they embark on their mathematics journey at the College. The staff all work under the common belief that students learn at different rates and as such, the learning needs of each and every student is catered to.

We work on the belief that:

  • students learn best when motivated
  • students learn Mathematics through investigating, reflecting, communicating and collaborating
  • students learn Mathematics as individuals in the context of cultural, intellectual, physical and social growth.

Kyllie Bevan
Leader of Learning



The Science Faculty’s goal is to promote scientific curiosity and a love of learning, empowering students to achieve to their potential in science by fostering a passion for the pursuit of knowledge that will last their lifetime.


Science involves a significant element of laboratory work to develop respect for experimental truth over unsubstantiated opinion while providing a challenging curriculum that strives to meet the needs of the student body by:

  • Providing the necessary background and skills to enable students to become scientifically literate in order to make responsible decisions.
  • Actively involving students in problem solving, qualitative and quantitative analyses, and verbal and written communications.
  • Developing in students an appreciation of science as an investigative process rather than as merely a body of knowledge.

Compulsory Courses

Stage 4 Science Years 7&8 follows the NSW Australian curriculum

Rich in practical experiences, inquiry learning and STEM activities, it is studied over 2 years in Years 7 and 8. Both these years are partially streamed, having one top class with the remainder classes being mixed ability.

Stage 5 Science Years 9&10 follows the NSW Australian Curriculum.

Acceleration in Science

In Year 9 at Mount Patrick College, students have the option to join the acceleration program for Science. Up to 25 students are selected from the Year 8 cohort based on their performance, attitude and work ethic. These students are offered the opportunity to accelerate in Year 9. This class completes all Stage 5 (content of Year 9 and 10) in a compressed curriculum. They are awarded their Stage 5 ROSA Grade on completion of the course. In year 10 they begin a Year 11 Stage 6 Science course whilst studying their other subjects at year 10 level. The accelerants then study and sit the HSC Science course whilst in Year 11.

Non Accelerants

At the end of Stage 5 in year 10 the ROSA grade is awarded based on assessments and examinations completed in year 10.

Non Compulsory Courses. Follow the NSW Australian Stage 6 Curriculum

These courses are studied over two years in Year 11 and HSC in Year 12

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Investigating Science
  • Physics
  • 1 Unit Extension Science is an option in Year 12

Extracurricular Science Activities

The Science Faculty provides access to Science competitions, ICAS, The Australian National Chemistry Quiz, the Australian and New Zealand Brain Bee Challenge, and the Australian Science Olympiad Exams for interested students. The college encourages and provides opportunities for students to attend Summer Schools, Engineering Summer Schools, National Youth Science Forums and STEM Activities.

Sherree Millward
Leader of Learning Science

Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE)

Human Society and Its Environment involves the study of people, cultures, societies and environments. Studies in this area encompass people and environments (human and natural) over time. Human Society and its Environment encompasses the Australian Curriculum subjects of History and Geography in Stage 4. In Stage 5 HSIE contains Australian Curriculum Geography and History, and Commerce. In Stage 6 HSIE the electives of Economics, Legal Studies, Business Studies, Geography, Modern History and Ancient History are offered. The HSIE department also includes the study of cross curricular content such as Civics and Citizenship.

The aim of the HSIE Faculty is to develop in students the values and attitudes, skills, and knowledge and understanding that,

  • enhance their sense of personal, community, national and global identity:
  • enable then to participate effectively in maintaining and improving the quality of their
    society and environment.


Y7 – Mandatory Global Geography, 100hrs (2017 Syllabus)

Y8 – Mandatory Global Geography, 50hrs (05 Syllabus)

Y9 – Mandatory Australian Geography, 100hrs (2017 Syllabus)

Y10 – Mandatory Australian Geography, 50hrs (05 Syllabus)

Y11 – Accelerated HSC Geography, 100hrs


Y7 –

Y8 – Mandatory World History, 50hrs, (2014 Syllabus)

Y9 –

Y10 – Mandatory Australian History, 50hrs, (2014 Syllabus)

MODERN Y11 – Modern History 100hrs

HISTORY Y12 – Modern History 100hrs

BUSINESS Y11 – 2U Business Studies,100hrs

STUDIES: Y12 – 2U Business Studies,100hrs

LEGAL Y11 – 2U Legal Studies,100hrs

STUDIES: Y12 – 2U Legal Studies,100hrs

ECONOMICS Y11 – 2U Economics Online,100hrs

Y12 – 2U Economics Online,100hrs

COMMERCE: Y9 – Elective Subject 100hr course over 1 year

Aimee Blazek
Leader of Learning
Human Society and its Environment

Technology and Applied Studies (TAS)

Stage 4

Technology Mandatory.

Technology is taught across Years 7 and 8. It provides students with an opportunity to design and create using a broad range of technologies including Food and Agriculture, Engineered Systems, Digital Technology and Materials Technologies (textiles, timber, metal and plastic). Students are encouraged to make use of digital fabrication equipment such as laser cutters, vinyl cutters and 3D printers.

Stage 5

Industrial Technology – Timber

Industrial Technology – Timber is a course that provides students with the opportunity to develop skills in design and practical woodworking as well as knowledge of associated skills and materials. Students learn about safe work practices, materials, related theory and develop a sense of personal satisfaction through the production of a range of practical projects.

Industrial Technology – Multimedia

Industrial Technology – Multimedia provides opportunities for students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to the multimedia production process, digital photography and associated industries such as movie, animation, digital drawing and game making.

Food Technology

The study of Food Technology provides students with a broad knowledge and understanding of food in relation to properties, processing, preparation, nutritional considerations and consumption patterns. It addresses the importance of hygiene and safe working practices and legislation in the production of food. It also provides students with a context through which to explore the richness, pleasure and variety food adds to life.

Textiles Technology

The study of Textiles Technology provides students with knowledge of the properties, performance and uses of textiles. They explore fabrics, yarns, fibres and colouration. Students examine the historical, cultural and contemporary perspectives on textile design and develop an appreciation of the factors affecting them as textile consumers. Students investigate the work of textile designers and make judgements about the appropriateness of design ideas, the selection of materials and tools, and the quality of textile items. Textile projects give students the opportunity to be creative, independent learners and to explore functional and aesthetic aspects of textiles.

Marine and Aqua Technology

Marine Technology fits into an emerging field of study relating to sustainability of the marine environment. It provides an opportunity for the future custodians of this environment to study it and appreciate its value. It also gives them the opportunity to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to use and protect its unique ecosystems. They will be involved in project development relating to water-related enterprises and leisure activities.


iSTEM is a course designed to help the engineers and problem solvers of the future. Students will learn to use a range of tools, techniques and processes, including digital manufacturing technologies in order to develop solutions to a wide variety of engineering based problems. The course aims to develop knowledge, skills and appreciation of engineers and technologists through problem solving and design whilst encouraging a sense of purpose, enjoyment and personal satisfaction through project based learning.

Stage 6

Industrial Technology – Multimedia Technologies

Industrial Technology Multimedia consists of project work and Industry Study that develop a broad range of skills and knowledge related to the multimedia industry. Students engage in a range of creative and technical pursuits ranging from film making through to animation and web design. This subject allows students to learn many technical skills and also allows them to collaborate on creative projects whilst developing a Minor Project in Year 11, a Major Project in Year 12 and supporting documentation of the design and production of these projects.

Industrial Technology – Timber Products and Furniture Technologies

Industrial Technology – Timber Products and Furniture Technologies provides students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and understanding of the timber and furniture industry and its related technologies. The course highlights the importance of design, management and production through the production of practical projects. Students select and apply appropriate design, management and production skills in the development of a Minor Project in Year 11, a Major Project in Year 12 and supporting documentation of the design and production of these projects.

Design and Technology

Design and Technology is a diverse subject which can incorporate a wide array of technologies depending on the student’s interest. Design and Technology involves the study of design theory and practice, design processes, environmental and social issues, communication, research, technologies, and the manipulation of materials, tools and techniques. It involves hands-on practical activities which develop knowledge and skills in designing and producing. The course involves the development, realisation and documentation of design projects. The Major Design Project and supporting folio requires students to select and apply appropriate design, production and evaluation skills to a product, system or environment that satisfies an identified need or opportunity.

Hospitality – Kitchen Operations (VET)

This qualification provides a pathway to work in kitchen operations in organisations such as restaurants, hotels, catering operations, clubs, pubs, cafes, cafeterias, coffee shops and institutions such as aged care facilities, hospitals, prisons and schools. Skills and knowledge will prepare the students in providing effective hospitality service to customers. This course is competency based and the student’s performance is assessed against prescribed industry standards. This course requires all students to also complete a mandatory work placement of 70 hours.

Furniture Making Pathways (VET)

Offered as an alternative for students who have completed Preliminary Industrial Technology Timber but are not pursuing an ATAR, this course provides the opportunity to gain a Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways. The course involves students in gaining knowledge and skills that will be required in the furniture making industry through the completion of set projects and the demonstration of competency in those skills.

Marine Studies (Content Endorsed Course 1 Unit)

Marine Studies provides an educational context, linked to the needs of a significantly coastal and waterways-based population, fostering links to tertiary study and vocational pathways. Further, this syllabus brings a wide range of marine-based leisure experiences to students in a safe setting. Marine Studies provides for both practical and theoretical learning and students acquire skills to solve real life problems. As part of this course students must participate in a PADI Open Water Diver course and complete a Resuscitation Certificate.

Computing Applications (Content Endorsed Course 1 Unit)

Computing Applications is a 'hands-on' skills-based course aimed at developing the student's abilities to use hardware and software to complete a range of practical experiences in a broad range of topic areas. Students will develop their knowledge and understanding of the role of computing in completing tasks that enable them to be confident users of the technology. Students will also develop skills in evaluation and be able to discriminate in the use of this technology to accomplish a defined task. Designed for students with little practical computing experience, students will develop a basic understanding of computer systems, word processing skills and an ability to create graphic designs.

Daniel Keogh
Leader of Learning
Technological and Applied Studies

Personal Development Health and Physical Education (PDHPE)

An educated nation, comprising active and healthy young people, is the best investment we can make in the future. Learning in HPE makes an important, positive difference to their time as students and their lifelong participation and health outcomes. Teachers, schools and communities play a central role in promoting, facilitating and modelling positive lifestyle behaviours.

What is the issue in Australia?

  • The 2016 Active Healthy Kids Australia Report Card showed a similar story to the original report card in 2014, in that Australian school children rank among the worst in the world (D-) for overall physical activity levels and sedentary behaviours. The latest Report Card shows that Australia is fortunate enough to have excellent physical activity facilities in schools and communities, indoor and outdoor playing areas and plenty of walk and cycle-ways, which is an opportunity to improve on organised sport and physical activity participation which was rated a B. 80% of 5-17 year olds are not meeting the Australian Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines of at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day. As reported in 2014, only 29% of Australians aged 5-17 years are meeting the recommended Australian screen time guidelines of accumulating no more than two hours per day.
  • Despite 66% of Australian children aged 5 to 14 participating in some form of organised sport outside of school hours, participation in other forms of physical activity (such as active transport and leisure time physical activity) that contribute to overall physical activity levels are low and declining. Why is PDHPE so important? Australian Curriculum entitlement in HPE and this has been realised through the development of the Australian Curriculum for HPE, which was endorsed in September 2015. Health and PE is one of eight key learning areas identified in the Melbourne Declaration for Educational Goals for Young Australians. It is the learning area of the curriculum that provides real opportunities for children to learn how to lead active and healthy lifestyles – now and in the future. It teaches students how to enhance and positively influence their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. Health and PE is the key learning area in the curriculum that focuses explicitly on developing movement skills, concepts and strategies to confidently, competently and creatively participate in a range of physical activities. Movement is a powerful medium for learning and, through it, students can develop and practise a range of personal, social and cognitive skills to strengthen their sense of self and build and manage satisfying relationships. Participation in PDHPE in schools and throughout the community encourages a habit of physical activity and appreciation of how movement in all its forms is central to daily life, helping to avoid the onset of lifestyle diseases that represent an unprecedented threat to the health and economic future of Australia.

The growing body of research shows that participation in HPE and physical activity leads to better student engagement, improved academic achievement during the school years, and also better outcomes in adult life. Regular physical activity can increase children’s concentration and attention in both the classroom and at home. Research has also shown that regular physical activity in children can be a positive for academic achievement (Dept of Sport and Recreation, WA).

Simone Kendrick
Leader of Learning
Personal Development, Health and Physical Education


The study of a language aims to prepare students for life and work in the modern world where communication with people of other cultures and languages is becoming increasingly important. Specifically, the Languages curriculum aims at challenging the students not simply to accept the world as it is but to see it as it might be and to work towards making that Gospel vision a reality. 

Acquisition of a second language is also now fully recognised as being a tangible and real part of life for Australians, in terms of both their local and global interactions. Importantly it allows students to recognise that we are a country comprising many cultures and languages, specifically those languages of our Indigenous Australians. 

Learning a language helps young people to gain a better understanding of other societies. They are able to develop an ability to interact with people and cultures other than their own, both face-to-face and through technology, and acquire skills and understandings that can be used in future social, cultural and vocational contexts. Through learning a language, students are also able to develop further skills and understandings in relation to language in general. The process provides students with an additional means of developing literacy skills by focusing their attention on languages learning skills and strategies which can substantially enhance their understanding of English. 

Our courses are designd to encourage students to develop a desire to learn another langauge, either during their school years or as a pursuit post school or later in life. We promote the idea that learning a language can be a rewarding and valuable life long journey. 

Leader of Learning

Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA)

Clara Cahill
Leader of Learning
Creative and Performing Arts

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Dean Bressan
Leader of Learning
Vocational Education and Training
